LDF Airbender

ok, so I had my first one yesterday... had about a month of rest on it... and at the risk of being thought completely crazy, I have to be honest... it was very bland and about half way thought it got a really funky flavor... I'm pretty sure this was an exception to the norm, but even the first half was nothing special...
I have a few more that I got at the same time so I am going to revisit them in about 6 months or so... but wow, I was really disappointed!
I have a few more that I got at the same time so I am going to revisit them in about 6 months or so... but wow, I was really disappointed!
well the sun is out... maybe I'll have one today
I'm fully convinced that my disappointment was mostly due to me though, and not the cigar. I lit it up figuring "well hell, it's a special enough occassion, let's give it a whirl" but didn't think much beyond that. I ended up smoking it on the back porch, while carrying on a conversation with folks inside through an open window. Needless to say I would've been better served by just a 5V Classic or something that doesn't warrant thinking about. The flavors kept pulling at me but I didn't have enough attention span to give them their due.
I'll definitely revisit the DL, as I've heard too many good things not to give it a second try. I'm hoping the Air Bender treats me better at first blush