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Illinois Residents just got raped!

KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
Looks like your income taxes are being raised 66%! That's ridiculous... link

"Long ashes my friends."


  • mfotismfotis Posts: 720 ✭✭
    I'm not a resident of Illinois and the fact that taxes are going up for them sucks but I guess it depends on what the income tax is now. I.e. if the income tax is 2% and it goes up by 66% then the new tax is only 3.?? %. Still sucks but it may not be as bad as the news is making out to be.

    Just did some research, Illinois tax is currently at 3% the new law would push it up to 5.25%, yes that sucks. It seems most states that have an income tax, their rates are between 6% to 11%

    I'm not a tax expert and this information was garnered from wikipedia and a CBS online news article.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    As one Illinois legislator recently said, "Illinois has become a boon to Florida's economy"

    No income tax FTW!!

  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    As long as states with stupid legislators keep raising taxes we will not need to down here, they eventually end up here to spend their money with us.
  • t_evan50t_evan50 Posts: 1,725
    As a former southern illinois resident I have to say that is a ****. Who really gets screwed is the people that don't live in chicago, which is where 90% of there money is going.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    This is odd because our FL economy is based around people working for minimum wage at tourist hotels and the wealth of those who visit here. Hearing economy and Florida in the same sentence are laughable.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    what the sad part is...corporate tax just went from 4.8 to 7 percent...u can see the businesses just **** flying outa the state to texas and other places where its 3 percent....if i lived there, i would start lookinig for work in a different state and move instantly...f that.....if a state wants to control budget....cut spending, lower income taxs so people have more money to spend, increase property taxes which we will barely notice, cut all the dumb social services such as people on wel fare for 20 years or more...and most of all....CUT AND REDUCE GOVERMENT SALARY, THE PRIVATE JETS, MEDICAL, AND EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH GOVERMENT....PROBLEM SOLVED.....STUPID STATE...
  • ShotgunJohnShotgunJohn Posts: 1,545 ✭✭
    Illinois (Chicago) has always been corrupt. The state needs to follow the plan of Governor Christie from New Jersey then they could straighten the mess out.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    what the sad part is...corporate tax just went from 4.8 to 7 percent...u can see the businesses just **** flying outa the state to texas and other places where its 3 percent....if i lived there, i would start lookinig for work in a different state and move instantly...f that.....if a state wants to control budget....cut spending, lower income taxs so people have more money to spend, increase property taxes which we will barely notice, cut all the dumb social services such as people on wel fare for 20 years or more...and most of all....CUT AND REDUCE GOVERMENT SALARY, THE PRIVATE JETS, MEDICAL, AND EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH GOVERMENT....PROBLEM SOLVED.....STUPID STATE...
    Lets play devils advocate. Then you are suggesting they cut food stamps, medicaid, cash assitance, homeleess shelters (get some funding), ect. You also would have to reduce or cut salaries of Children and Family Service worker who protect children and the elderly from abuse, nelgect, abandonment, and exploitation. You would also have to eliminate or cut programs to the mentally and phsyically disabled and the associated programs, group homs, therapy, and other services. -------------Cutting govt sounds great in theory, but what about these services----ESPECIALLY the ones I listed which are not the ones where the "lazy leech off the system?"
  • When it comes to welfare and government help/aid, I agree you can't cut all completely, but there at least needs to be an overhaul to those who receive it. So many people are taking advantage of the "system" it's ridiculous. While doing my clinicals, I had a person openly state they are having another kid just too see if they can get more help from the government because they can't work because "it's too hard to find a job and the ones available I don't like."
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317

    This includes government.

  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    This is odd because our FL economy is based around people working for minimum wage at tourist hotels and the wealth of those who visit here. Hearing economy and Florida in the same sentence are laughable.
    Maybe you can pull your head out of your gaping assh0le for a few seconds to learn a few things. Then you can stick it back in when you're done

    From Wikipedia:
    The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Florida in 2007 was $734.5 billion. Its GDP is the fourth largest economy in the United States. The major contributors to the state's gross output in 2007 were general services, financial services, trade, transportation and public utilities, manufacturing and construction respectively. In 2009, the state government had a budget of $66.5 billion.
    Now you can stick your head back up your ass.

    Yeah . . . that all sounds good, until you consider that other States have the exact same problems, but they manage to get by without soaking those "evil rich guys" that you seem to despise so much. Like that Florida economy that you think is based on tourist dollars - no income tax, liberalized gun laws, and a balanced budget, and hey, they're only the fourth largest economy in the US. But hey, if you think it's so bad here in FL, you're welcome to move to Illinois and prove us all wrong.

    Do a little research, and you'll find that not only was that tax increase passed 18 hrs before the new legislature was set to be sworn in, but after this rape, Illinois now has one of the highest tax rates in the entire industrialized world.

  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Wow, Macro------First, thanks for the unsolicited personal attack...classy. Second, I suppose some things said tongue in cheek or with a wink dont come across the same on the internet----of course I dont see why they cause such an outburst either........As far as the info

    Lets not forget the population aspect to your GDP agrument for the state-----look at the same wikipedia your referenced and see GDP is fairly consistent with state population, so lets not make it seem like FL is outperforming other states of comparable size. Thats not head in ass, thats eyes on statistics

    Additionally, never said anything about hating evil rich guys. Also, lived 15 years in Illinois. Hard to balance a budget with not enough money coming in for FL, which was my original point. As to what your point is or was, other than to be offensive and defend this state as a whole...I do not know. Also, I was responding to 2 other parts of this thread that did not deal with Illinois nor with when or how the bill was passed----nor with if I agreed or disagreed with it.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Wow, Macro------First, thanks for the unsolicited personal attack...classy. Second, I suppose some things said tongue in cheek or with a wink dont come across the same on the internet----of course I dont see why they cause such an outburst either........As far as the info

    Ah, sorry about that; I just got out of an argument with my roomie on the same topic, and was pretty steamed, so I came on these boards to chill out and got caught up when I wandered into a political thread on the same subject. My bad on that one, I should've just stayed out until I cooled down
    Lets not forget the population aspect to your GDP agrument for the state-----look at the same wikipedia your referenced and see GDP is fairly consistent with state population, so lets not make it seem like FL is outperforming other states of comparable size. Thats not head in ass, thats eyes on statistics

    Additionally, never said anything about hating evil rich guys. Also, lived 15 years in Illinois. Hard to balance a budget with not enough money coming in for FL, which was my original point. As to what your point is or was, other than to be offensive and defend this state as a whole...I do not know. Also, I was responding to 2 other parts of this thread that did not deal with Illinois nor with when or how the bill was passed----nor with if I agreed or disagreed with it.
    The point I should've made is that raising taxes never recovers what the State thinks it will - instead of paying the higher rates, business will just relocate, either to Florida, or more locally, or Indiana or Wisconsin. The Governor of Wisconsin was quoted as saying after the Ill. tax increase, "We already had an edge on Illinois in terms of the cost of doing business, and this is going to make it significantly wider."
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Tis ok...I understand. As far as your last paragraph and never recovering what the state projects it will....I agree totally.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    its hard to have cuts in funding..but guess what..it needs to be done..simple as that...without cuts in goverment spending we keep getting taxed more and more and more, so when does it end? maybe when for every dollar we make we are taxed 80 cents on it...i dont think so. I NEVER said it would not be hard to cut social services, medical, therapy services, or any service for that matter, but if americans are scaling back on spending, then why cant our goverment do the same? And you did make a point at end of ur paragraph--ESPECIALLY the ones I listed which are not the ones where the "lazy leech off the system?" ---thats completely b.s....for instance, i have a co worker , we make pretty good money, his wife stopped working, not due to lay offs or fired, but wanted to stay home, so he started getting food stamps equal to 400 a month for his family when she can easily work, and he can start to look for work that pays more which he has already found, but never even tried to apply for it.....people leech off every system there is and they always will....its time to cut the spending, and stop raising taxes.---FOR THE RECORD, VULCHOR, PLEASE DONT THINK IM ATTACKING OR TRYING TO OFFEND YA BROTHER...U KNOW IM JUST TRYING TO PUT MY .02 IN HERE MAN....
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    You also would have to reduce or cut salaries of Children and Family Service worker who protect children and the elderly from abuse, nelgect, abandonment, and exploitation. You would also have to eliminate or cut programs to the mentally and phsyically disabled and the associated programs, group homs, therapy, and other services.
    Sorry. Had to jump in here. I actually almost spit my coffee out when I read this. And no offense to you Vulch, cuz you don't live here and couldn't possibly know, but this would fall under the category of "If You Only Knew....."

    These wonderful "Social Programs" are notorious for legalized money laundering. The numbers rarely ever add up. Social Welfare programs (in Chicago, at least) are the new Mafia.

    They actually DO need some cutting. They also need some major auditing and reform. But it's such an unpopular thing to say. No matter how true it is.

    Any time anyone even suggests the possible audit of these programs, they're attacked and called baby haters! LOL! It's a no-win situation.

    This income tax raise is a joke on so many levels. The numbers don't add up:

    "The tax increase would temporarily raise the personal tax rate to 5 percent, a two-thirds increase from the current 3 percent rate. Corporate taxes also would climb as part of the effort to close a budget hole that could hit $15 billion this year. Quinn's office said the higher taxes will generate about $6.8 billion a year – a major increase by any measure.

    This assuming the "budget hole" doesn't go over $15 billion, which it probably will. It's also assuming that corporations don't find loopholes to get out of the increase, which they probably will.

    The tax increase will be coupled with strict 2 percent limits on spending growth. If officials spend above those limits, the tax increase will automatically be canceled. The plan's supporters warned that rising pension and health care costs probably will eat up all the spending allowed by the caps, forcing cuts in other areas of government.

    I'd bet my retirement fund that these goofs in Springfield go waaaaaaay over a 2 percent increase in spending. So, my 3% income rate is safe! LOL! And it's going to be hilarious watching the hacks cut spending in the areas they probably promised they wouldn't when they talked this idiotic idea up! LOL!

    Other pieces of the budget plan failed.

    Lawmakers rejected a $1-a-pack increase in cigarette taxes, which would have provided money for schools. They also blocked a plan to borrow $8.7 billion to pay off overdue bills, which means long-suffering businesses and social-service agencies won't get their money anytime soon."

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You can't MAKE this stuff up!!!!
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Lived in Chitown for 15 years, and still have most of my family there---I know things arent run too much differently than the 20's. I agree with your point about some programs being cut. And Joey (no offense taken at all man), I understand your point about your friend/coworker as well, and agree there are a ton of people who leach off the system

    My question remains, and it is as much rhetorical as I am truly looking for an answer, but what about those who do not leach? For instance, the 8 year old child who depends on DCF (or whatever agency) to intervene when they tell someone they are being beaten or molested?---------------The 79 year old with dementia whos child doesnt bathe them or feed them because they are only interested in using the SS check?---------The 35 year old who was born with Downs Syndrome and lives in a group home?----------The 50 year old in an accident on the job who was paralyzed from the neck down?

    These are all peope who rely on govt. programs. Its tough to say cuts across the board, and then think of scenarios like this. Its easy to find the mooch, or the drug dealer getting food stamps.....but its quite hard to look at the other side and find meaningful cost cuting solutions without cutting services.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    My point Vulch, is that more than enough money is there, it's just not spent properly, or even at all. It usually ends up in someones pockets. There are so many programs available for the 8 year old, the 79 year old and the 35 year old in your scenarios, that most of them don't even know where to go for the help. The problem is, is that the people involved with these programs fail them. They're usually patronage jobs set up for politicians to employ their families. You have 3 or 4 depts doing the same thing. The best thing that could happen to these programs is to get cuts. That would lead to reform. See, if they lose funding, they're gonna have to restructure and re-organize. Then when they get their collective sh*t together, they can come up with a specific budget proposal and manage themselves properly. There's also no oversight in these programs. Legislators just keep throwing money at the problem with out any real solutions.

    The services aren't available as it is. Not changing anything or throwing more money into the hole isn't gonna fix anything either. Reform. Reform. Reform. Cuts. Cuts. Cuts.

    This is just me banging my head against the proverbial wall, though. It'll never happen.
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    If take some time and do a little research you will have seen this tried time and time again ... you raise income taxes and tax revenues actually DECLINE. This is because the rocket surgeons who come up with these ideas do not take into account the fact that people will change their behavior in order to keep more of what they earn. As a matter of fact ... in most cases the Congressional Budget Office is not even allowed to consider the idea that changes in tax laws cause people to change economic behavior.

    Some states try to address budget concerns with not-so-subtle moves to increase income taxes on the evil, filthy disgusting rich ..... this approach also backfires. Take Maryland, for example. A few years ago, Maryland tried to shore up its budget woes by creating a millionaire tax bracket. The very next year, one-third of millionaires in Maryland disappeared from the tax rolls. They simply took themselves and their money elsewhere. Politicians expected to get an extra $106 million for their state coffers from the tax, and instead the evil rich ended up paying $100 million less than they did the year prior. The same thing happened in Oregon where voters voted to raise taxes on the highest income earners in the state. Instead of collecting the expected $180 million from the new tax, the state received $130 million, with one-quarter of its rich tax filers gone missing.

    The point I'm getting to, folks, is Illinois ... at a time when the fastest growing states are those without income taxes (let alone HIGH income taxes), Illinois thought it would be a grand idea to raise its income tax levels by 66%. Corporate tax rates rising as well. As the Associated Press declares, "Neighboring States Gleeful Over Illinois Tax Increase." Again, there is a reason why recent census data shows that people are moving to states with lower taxes, along with lower spending and right to work laws. Seems as though Illinois is flying in the face of this logic.

    Gotta love Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels: "Living next to Illinois is like living next door to the Simpsons." Watch people and businesses start to leave Illinois for Indiana and Wisconsin.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    i understand it wont be easy for some people....and i do realize that people do need assistance...but to be completely dependent upon it is dumb. Sometimes the best love is tough love. im not saying to completely get rid of the programs, but they ALL should take a cut...not one more then the other....but still, a simple 10% off the top right away.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    I dont know Joe, not trying to sound nasty----but I think that is just to simplistic an approach. Not saying cuts arent needed at some places or areas---but just an overall or sweeping generalization Im not sure about.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    This is why this is wrong and why there is enough already if they quit throwing it away

  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    I know bro...its hard...but i just dont think our goverment is doing nearly enough to make cuts at any case.....i think when a budget isnt passed(california has their budget never passed and always more then 150days late), the senate should not only lose their pay, but be fired cuz what happens at work when we dont do our job...we are let go instantly. Their pay should be decreased by ten percent. Pensions should be done with. I wish I saved a article but it was how CA UC schools were demanding better pension payouts when they retired...they wanted it bumped from 120,000 a year to 350,000 a year and if they didnt get it they would sue the state.....arent they state employees....and they threatened to sue...F that, fire them! lol...dam goverment..This is why I want property in middle of no where and to own my land free and clear.
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