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Still Iced In....

KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
So it's been almost 5 days now since ATL got hit by a snow storm.....needless to say the DOT's response has been less than adequate. Wouldn't be so bad if I had a cigar room in my house. But have to admit, at this point...I'm getting stir crazy. But after me and kids being trapped in the car for 6hours from a previous ice over...I am not gonna chance it till this crap melts....which hopefully should be tomorrow or Saturday.

"Long ashes my friends."


  • WE're in a similar situation here for a lot of foks who dont live in town. Schools been out all week plus two days last week. Folks are getting stir crazy being cooped up. Sun came out yesterday, melted a little bit and froze over last night. Will repeat tonight with temps dropping to low teens. I'm good as I live 10 minutes from work and have a 4 wheel drive truck so I've been getting around fine. I've become the designated work taxi! I feel for you though.
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Posts: 2,963 ✭✭✭
    Ahh, the memories. I used to live in SC and the first big winter storm that hit it was amazing to me how much shut down and for how long. They were cancelling things for days in advance! I had to call home and tell everyone but I don't think they understood how unprepared the south is for winter conditions. Our town had one plow that looked like it was from the 50's and it didn't spread any dirt.

    Up in Maine school might close for one day and adult programs might close for a morning or a night but it would have to be a major blizzard to get even two days of cancellations in a row. I feel for you. Hopefully things will open up and return to normal for you soon.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Ahh, the memories. I used to live in SC and the first big winter storm that hit it was amazing to me how much shut down and for how long. They were cancelling things for days in advance! I had to call home and tell everyone but I don't think they understood how unprepared the south is for winter conditions. Our town had one plow that looked like it was from the 50's and it didn't spread any dirt.

    Up in Maine school might close for one day and adult programs might close for a morning or a night but it would have to be a major blizzard to get even two days of cancellations in a row. I feel for you. Hopefully things will open up and return to normal for you soon.
    I'm sure the snow up there is a lot more than down here...but at least your state knows how to deal with it and has more than 10 snow plows to clear the roads, lol

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    This is from today's news:

    "The City of Chicago's snow-fighting trucks have been on the streets since early morning. The Department of Streets & Sanitation brought 174 trucks onto main streets and Lake Shore Drive about 2:30 a.m. and since then that number has been increased to 275 snow trucks. "We will continue to focus on the main route system of main streets and Lake Shore Drive until the snow concludes, then we will focus on the side streets," Streets and San Commissioner Thomas Byrne said Tuesday afternoon. The Illinois Tollway also mobilized its full fleet of 183 snowplows."

    And that's STILL never enough.......
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    This is from today's news:

    "The City of Chicago's snow-fighting trucks have been on the streets since early morning. The Department of Streets & Sanitation brought 174 trucks onto main streets and Lake Shore Drive about 2:30 a.m. and since then that number has been increased to 275 snow trucks. "We will continue to focus on the main route system of main streets and Lake Shore Drive until the snow concludes, then we will focus on the side streets," Streets and San Commissioner Thomas Byrne said Tuesday afternoon. The Illinois Tollway also mobilized its full fleet of 183 snowplows."

    And that's STILL never enough.......
    Wow...275 trucks?? the governor and DOT here were saying they doubled their resources...which came to about 60 trucks...population of Atlanta alone (not including metro atlanta) is half a million people...500,000+ and 60 trucks....yeah..that seems adequate, lol

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • doromathdoromath Posts: 576
    With how infrequently we get this bad of an icing it's really a question of do we deal with it when it happens, or do we keep lots and lots of extra equipment on-hand at taxpayer expense? Personally I would rather have what we need to deal with 80% of our icing incidents adequately and then just tough out the rest. But, that's just me and I'll admit I don't get stir-crazy like most folks do. I also fully realize that to those that do get stir-crazy (or just need to be out and about for work/family etc) it could be completely worth it to pay the extra taxes to avoid this at all costs :D

    I'm just looking forward to the fact that the temps are going to be 40-45 over the weekend, which is about when it gets tolerable for me to get out on the porch and smoke a cigar. I haven't had one in weeks and I'm about to go cigar-crazy here!
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    With how infrequently we get this bad of an icing it's really a question of do we deal with it when it happens, or do we keep lots and lots of extra equipment on-hand at taxpayer expense? Personally I would rather have what we need to deal with 80% of our icing incidents adequately and then just tough out the rest. But, that's just me and I'll admit I don't get stir-crazy like most folks do. I also fully realize that to those that do get stir-crazy (or just need to be out and about for work/family etc) it could be completely worth it to pay the extra taxes to avoid this at all costs :D

    I'm just looking forward to the fact that the temps are going to be 40-45 over the weekend, which is about when it gets tolerable for me to get out on the porch and smoke a cigar. I haven't had one in weeks and I'm about to go cigar-crazy here!
    i just wonder how much money was actually lost all together with the city being shut down for 3 days vs the cost of buying a few more truck plow add ons at 120k each.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • doromathdoromath Posts: 576
    With how infrequently we get this bad of an icing it's really a question of do we deal with it when it happens, or do we keep lots and lots of extra equipment on-hand at taxpayer expense? Personally I would rather have what we need to deal with 80% of our icing incidents adequately and then just tough out the rest. But, that's just me and I'll admit I don't get stir-crazy like most folks do. I also fully realize that to those that do get stir-crazy (or just need to be out and about for work/family etc) it could be completely worth it to pay the extra taxes to avoid this at all costs :D

    I'm just looking forward to the fact that the temps are going to be 40-45 over the weekend, which is about when it gets tolerable for me to get out on the porch and smoke a cigar. I haven't had one in weeks and I'm about to go cigar-crazy here!
    i just wonder how much money was actually lost all together with the city being shut down for 3 days vs the cost of buying a few more truck plow add ons at 120k each.

    Good point. I don't profess to know enough about the costs to begin to crunch these numbers so it may be worth it.
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    fortunate for me around here most if not all roads are clear now it's just parking lots that still have some residue of ice n whatnot, I for one am sick of it but a tiny town like mine probably doesn't employ that many I dunno just glad life seems to be getting back to normal
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    You have power? if so I'm jealous. Damn what I'd give for this. hehe.. though I have a crap load of cigars...
  • doromathdoromath Posts: 576
    The wife and I ventured out for some errands in the early evening and WOW is it still dicey out there. Hit and miss in our areas but there were some nasty patches in there, and a few new cars that had found the ditch.

    I think we're mostly errand free now. Hoping for a smoke tomorrow afternoon muaahahaha.
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    Hate snow. hate ice. Etc. Everyone remembers when I slipped and F'ed up my knee last month I'm sure... well yesterday I was at work, and my old man came in to get some prescriptions filled. Wearing a big sling on his arm. Turns out slipping on ice and hurting yourself runs in the family. Dislocated his shoulder and broke a bone in his hand. At least his doctor actually gave him scripts for pain killers, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Mine told me to take a few advil.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Hate snow. hate ice. Etc. Everyone remembers when I slipped and F'ed up my knee last month I'm sure... well yesterday I was at work, and my old man came in to get some prescriptions filled. Wearing a big sling on his arm. Turns out slipping on ice and hurting yourself runs in the family. Dislocated his shoulder and broke a bone in his hand. At least his doctor actually gave him scripts for pain killers, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Mine told me to take a few advil.

    1- You need to change doctors lol 2- Hope your dad recovers quickly and completely
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Posts: 2,963 ✭✭✭
    With how infrequently we get this bad of an icing it's really a question of do we deal with it when it happens, or do we keep lots and lots of extra equipment on-hand at taxpayer expense? Personally I would rather have what we need to deal with 80% of our icing incidents adequately and then just tough out the rest. But, that's just me and I'll admit I don't get stir-crazy like most folks do. I also fully realize that to those that do get stir-crazy (or just need to be out and about for work/family etc) it could be completely worth it to pay the extra taxes to avoid this at all costs :D

    I'm just looking forward to the fact that the temps are going to be 40-45 over the weekend, which is about when it gets tolerable for me to get out on the porch and smoke a cigar. I haven't had one in weeks and I'm about to go cigar-crazy here!
    i just wonder how much money was actually lost all together with the city being shut down for 3 days vs the cost of buying a few more truck plow add ons at 120k each.

    Good point. I don't profess to know enough about the costs to begin to crunch these numbers so it may be worth it.
    Don't forget those trucks will need drivers and those drivers will want full-time year around jobs with benefits. Seriously. Part of our interstate system is privately owned (Maine Turnpike) and they keep all their plow truck drivers employed year around with bennies just so they will have the staff to plow in storms when we get them. The tolls they charge on that stretch of road, which is unavoidable if you're leaving the state or coming into Maine, pays for this. Just saying, it's more expensive than just trucks.
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