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Out of habit or love

This is subjective as I believe if you smoke cigars, you smoke them because you enjoy them. The question is what type of enjoyment do you find? Are you smoking out of habit or out of love for cigars? I personally enjoy them as an experience, a moment in time. I do not smoke out of habit or need for nicotine. I can personally go without smoking them at all, so it is not a need for me. I believe it is a want, a desire.


  • ShotgunJohnShotgunJohn Posts: 1,545 ✭✭
    I smoke because I enjoy cigars and the whole time I spend reading/writing or working in my yard.
    I keep a dossier and record my experiences with new sticks.

    I personally don't feel that nicotine is addictive. I have gone months without a stick and other times I will have one everyday.
    Cigars and my quiet time spent is a great time to reflect and unwind.
  • BlueRingsBlueRings Posts: 367
    I smoke because I enjoy cigars and the whole time I spend reading/writing or working in my yard.
    I keep a dossier and record my experiences with new sticks.

    I personally don't feel that nicotine is addictive. I have gone months without a stick and other times I will have one everyday.
    Cigars and my quiet time spent is a great time to reflect and unwind.
    +1 If I ever find myself smoking a cigar out of need that is indeed a sad day in realization that this is no longer enjoyable for me. I would quit and not turn back.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,913 ✭✭✭
    I enjoy many things about them, from talking about them on these forums, to collecting them, also keeping a dossier, trading them, and of course smoking them.

    I don't crave nicotine, in fact I'm such a noob that cigars still kick my ass pretty easily. I enjoy tasting them and picking out flavors and trying new sticks. I also enjoy the company that cigars attract, usually intelligent, successful people are the ones that smoke cigars, and that is who I like to surround myself with.
    Light 'em up.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    Cigars are my "me" time. I get to sit back, relax, and read a book or watch a movie on my laptop. But I also have a deep love for the hobby and the community.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    For me it's about enjoying a good cigar whatever the occasion that I'm smoking may be. It could be just to have some me time, or it could be over beers with friends, after dinner treat, or anything really. Is it a habit thing, sure with some things that I do I feel like smoking while doing them makes it much better and more enjoyable. Take for instance I always smoke when I'm shoveling snow and cleaning snow off of my Jeep. It's habit but not because of addiction but because of enjoyment :)
  • cooch36cooch36 Posts: 714 ✭✭
    Out of love, It started years ago with the enjoyment of relaxing have a smoke after a long wk of working on the ride home sometimes with an Ice cold brew to celibrate life being good. Back then I tried different smokes but had no clue. Last winter My girl knowing that I enjoyed a cigar bought me a 50 ct humi and sample house sticks and then all hell broke loose. I joined in on the forum learned more about cigars and found more me time. On the drive home at the end of the day. When ever. I now find myself smoking less then when I first truely started last yr because I want to enjoy the cigar more. I stopped doing yard work w a gar because I felt like I was just smoking. I find time to be intimate with my cigar and enjoy them so muck more. Plus collecting them is such a friggin addiction. I have over 400 and feel that between 750-1000 is the right place. I'm starting to enjoy that my sticks are starting to get age. 6-9 months is a good point right cannot wait till my sticks have yrs on them.
  • docedwardsdocedwards Posts: 319
    I smoke for the enjoyment and to relax. I make it a special time and seldom smoke more than 2 or 3 a week. It's cold now and I've only had 2 in the past five weeks. I do not golf, do yard work, etc, while smoking. It is my time to relax and converse with friends. I have a 300 ct humi and during the winter months I watch for the deals and stock up. This allows me to buy great smokes and I seldom pay more than $3.50 for one.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Perhaps I am taking a different meaning from the word "habit" in the title of your post, but I would have to say both. I smoke cigars out of love - I got involved in this hobby because it helps me take some time every once in a while to relax. 99% of the time, the only thing I do when I am enjoying a cigar is read a good book. That down time is important is important for me as a workaholic type A personality - its the only "me" time I ever really take.

    On the flip side of the coin (and this is where the "habit" comes in), I LOOOOOOOVE smoking a cigar on my evening commute home from work. I dont smoke indoors, and I dont smoke in front of my kids, so smoking during the commute (especially when its winter) is a pretty good solution to me. Lately, I find that it feels WEIRD to be driving to the hours and NOT have a cigar going - in this way I would say that it could be becoming a HABIT. Not an ADDICTION (scared to death of being addicted to anything, and I take extended "breaks" from cigar smoking occasionally just to be sure Im not), but it could be a HABIT.

    Hope this made some kind of sense to someone besides me??? :-)

  • cooch36cooch36 Posts: 714 ✭✭
    I do love to smoke while commuting but my only long commutes are Boston traffic and the anx. does not allow me to enjoy the cigar.
  • ellinasellinas Posts: 329
    i think it's both now. it started out as for love, but then as i started doing it everyday it started turning into habit also...once you do something for 2 weeks every day it turns into habit... the fact may not be true in all cases but it is in most.
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