Depends on what you want to use it for I guess. I use IBM, the wife uses MAC, shes a graphic designer and she uses it for that, I like to online game and software Dev. dont make that many games or any of the main stream games for Mac to I use a windows based PC. If you just want something for everyday use Mac's arent to bad but they're twice to three times as expensive and they're difficult and expensive to get fixed. I have to buy apple care for an extended warranty and its still a pain in my opinion to get service.
This is just my opinion and I have both computers running in my house.
Thanks for the replies all. I've been using a pc with windows for as long as I've been using any computer and I think I just want a seems no matter how well I put a system together and set everything up, there are always problems, not that I expect a mac to be the perfect miracle that never has a hiccup. I don't know, I can't explain my whims most of the time, try as I might, and this is just another one that I'll ride out and see where it takes me...maybe I'll enjoy it, maybe not.
I've had tons of laptops and computers. I purchased a mac notebook 2 years ago for my house and I love it. No bs viruses and other crap. If I have any issues, the issue is taken care of immediately at the apple store. I gave my old toshiba to the keeps winking at her! lol. And when you have to take those in to get repaired, usually best buy, they are a pain in the ass to deal with. I know cause I have b**ched them out, in front of about 20 people.
You can download anything you want on macs without having issues. You can download all the programs that you are use to from windows as well. If you want the site, send me a PM. They have an annual charge, but its worth it when you are trying to download programs that cost hundreds of $$$. Well worth it!
Now at work, we all have Dell computers, which is networked.
My issues are usually that they are not as upgradable as a PC in terms of hardware. I can't just go to a store and buy any old video card or sound card that I want. Plus, I work in an Enterprise enviromnent. Macs to do not hold well here. Sure, they are getting better but a lot of the software that we use will not run, adding them to AD is a ***, managing them is a ***, etc...
I also strongly believe that the more Apple becomes a serious PC opponent the more spyware, viruses, popups, etc... you are going to see.
Got my Mac Book Pro today, so far so good. Getting used to the differences from Windows, but so far it has been very intuitive and easy to get used to. I think I'm gonna like it. Slick machine.
Got my Mac Book Pro today, so far so good. Getting used to the differences from Windows, but so far it has been very intuitive and easy to get used to. I think I'm gonna like it. Slick machine.
Got my Mac Book Pro today, so far so good. Getting used to the differences from Windows, but so far it has been very intuitive and easy to get used to. I think I'm gonna like it. Slick machine.
What did you get?
I'm thinking of getting a pro to go with my other apple toys. Thinking I'd go 15 inch over 13, 500gb hard drive. Which did you get?
Got my Mac Book Pro today, so far so good. Getting used to the differences from Windows, but so far it has been very intuitive and easy to get used to. I think I'm gonna like it. Slick machine.
What did you get?
I'm thinking of getting a pro to go with my other apple toys. Thinking I'd go 15 inch over 13, 500gb hard drive. Which did you get?
Got my Mac Book Pro today, so far so good. Getting used to the differences from Windows, but so far it has been very intuitive and easy to get used to. I think I'm gonna like it. Slick machine.
What did you get?
I'm thinking of getting a pro to go with my other apple toys. Thinking I'd go 15 inch over 13, 500gb hard drive. Which did you get?
Got my Mac Book Pro today, so far so good. Getting used to the differences from Windows, but so far it has been very intuitive and easy to get used to. I think I'm gonna like it. Slick machine.
What did you get?
I'm thinking of getting a pro to go with my other apple toys. Thinking I'd go 15 inch over 13, 500gb hard drive. Which did you get?
Got my Mac Book Pro today, so far so good. Getting used to the differences from Windows, but so far it has been very intuitive and easy to get used to. I think I'm gonna like it. Slick machine.
What did you get?
I'm thinking of getting a pro to go with my other apple toys. Thinking I'd go 15 inch over 13, 500gb hard drive. Which did you get?
I only use Mac.. no viruses, no crazy pop-up warnings..almost never crashes. They also stay relevant longer
...I can fix that, I've got an email for ya.. hehe, lol, j/k.
I have to say, I like the mac os, though I don't like the amount of things I can't do with it. I like windows due to the graphic interface now-a-days, though I prefer lynx over all of them. I have a dual os of wndows and lynx on my computer. I deal with mac owners a lot and though they look pretty, they are way over-priced and are too limited in control.
This is just my opinion and I have both computers running in my house.
You can download anything you want on macs without having issues. You can download all the programs that you are use to from windows as well. If you want the site, send me a PM. They have an annual charge, but its worth it when you are trying to download programs that cost hundreds of $$$. Well worth it!
Now at work, we all have Dell computers, which is networked.
I also strongly believe that the more Apple becomes a serious PC opponent the more spyware, viruses, popups, etc... you are going to see.
+1 on this....Why write a virus for something that only has the potential to hit ~ 5% (or whatever the number is) of the computer market?
only when its raining
Kinda Hyped!!!
I have to say, I like the mac os, though I don't like the amount of things I can't do with it. I like windows due to the graphic interface now-a-days, though I prefer lynx over all of them. I have a dual os of wndows and lynx on my computer. I deal with mac owners a lot and though they look pretty, they are way over-priced and are too limited in control.