Thank a service member!

This morning at the bagel place, I had the privilege of being able to shake hands with and thank for their service 3 very young Marines in full dress uniform. I truly hope it made their day... it really started mine out well!
Thank a service member next time you see you! They really do appreciate it
(I also do this with firemen!)
Thank a service member next time you see you! They really do appreciate it

(I also do this with firemen!)
Right on! I don't think we can thank our military, police, and firemen enough - especially in this day and age. I also go out of my way to talk to any WWII vets that I see as they are all disappearing rapidly as they reach their 80's and beyond.
I live in Ithaca, which is sort of Berkely east, so whenever I see someone in the Military or a veteran, I always thank them for their service, they always seemed surprised, but thankful.
Good thing to do for great people, and it saves the service member the awkwardness of the scene. Was always an uncomfortable thing for me when I was serving and people would thank me for my service...
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
We are educated from basic training that what we do is an awesome sacrifice. Most of us never have to understand the sacrifice like your son, and my hat is off to him. Some people join for the college money and think they will never see combat, some people join because its the only thing they think they can do, and there are a ton more reasons.
I am asked all the time if I served in IRQ. I say yes and that it was a long time ago. I am almost ALWAYS thanked for my service! Because I have been doing this for 10 years I have come up with a 'standard defensive response' for these accolades. I tell them that their, 'appreciation is why we do it, its surely not for the paycheck'.
I am almost 30 with all kinds of cool training, a steady income (even though it is a small income, steady is more important to me), and the heartfelt thanks of a nation behind me. The reason I bring this up is because sometimes soldiers get stuck, and/or uncomfortable when being told thanks. I am by no means saying not to do it; again this is exactly why a lot of men and women do it in the first place. I am merely saying that if a soldier seems like they are put on the spot by a gratuitous statement dont be put off by it. They appreciate what you've said, put yourself in their shoes.
Tons of people may have said the same things to them that day but your voice brings back a memory of a friend that has long been gone (try explaining to someone that you are not crying over their statement but the loss of a buddy six years ago without making them feel bad).
I guess I am just saying to remember that while you may think they are super human for their accomplishments, and a lot of them have done some very heroic things, they think of themselves as normal everyday people. I for one think all firefighters are crazy... I'm not running into a burning building, but a firefight is business as usual.
We appreciate your thanks! Keep up the good support of your troops. Amos, tell your son that I personally appreciate his sacrifice for his county. He is the epitome of someone that has given more than his fair share. Sorry for the disertation.
+1...I agree entirely. Very well put
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain