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Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Robusto Review

Rocky Patel 1990 Vintage
Robusto 5.5 x 50


Pre-light aroma is of espresso and a tinge of something reminiscent of cherries. This maduro looks and feels incredible with an oily, leather-like sheen and silky to the fingertips.
After cutting with a double guillotine, the first draws yield a great amount of smoke and a creamy feel in the mouth that you would normally feel at the sweet spot of a good connecticut.
The first 1/3rd of the cigar has little of the flavor that you expect from a maduro, but instead has a very pleasant cedary flavor, is toasty, and has an incredibly sweet aroma.
The amount of ash that tightly holds to the foot is a testament to the impeccable construction of this cigar; in fact, I only had three tight barrels of ash before reaching the halfway point of the stick. The draw is superb as is expected from a 50 gauge ring size.
The flavor profile of the 1990 begins to enter familiar maduro territory at the 2/3 portion of the stick; hints of sweetness, espresso notes, but still maintaining a curiously dry and toasty finish. The body is a comfortable low-medium at this point.
When the time comes for the "Vintage 1990" secondary band to come off I gently try to pull it towards the head, but it won't budge due to the generous amount of tobacco and I let unwrap it at the seam with ease.
Last 1/3rd had a brief moment of spice before settling into some aromatic oak and earthy flavors that lasted until I finished the cigar. Body was never north of medium and the overall profile was of light espresso and cedar.
Overall a very good smoke with great construction, excellent aroma, and surprisingly balanced flavor profile of espresso, cedar, oak, and sometimes a hint of cherry with almost no spice throughout the stick.


  • this is one of my fav cigars for rp...as well as 1992 and my love the 6x 60 1999...... btw love the pics, especially the second to last one with the rings in the ash tray.....very nice review
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    nice review, one of my favorite sticks by RP. I have a few in my humi aging since 2009.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • great review man, esp with the pics.

    The RP 90 and 92 were the first smokes that made me fall in love with cigars, and the 92 was the first box I ever got.
  • suneet21:
    great review man, esp with the pics. The RP 90 and 92 were the first smokes that made me fall in love with cigars, and the 92 was the first box I ever got.
    Same here.
  • VidarienVidarien Posts: 246
    The 90 and 92 are classics...but i cant help but feel that RPs quality control on those has taken a dump after the bands were switched up to the grey ones. I know thats probably just paranoia but it just seems like the blend and the quality isnt necessarily what it once was. Maybe its just me..
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    The 90 and 92 are classics...but i cant help but feel that RPs quality control on those has taken a dump after the bands were switched up to the grey ones. I know thats probably just paranoia but it just seems like the blend and the quality isnt necessarily what it once was. Maybe its just me..
    It's not just you. They taste different to me too.
  • Russ55:
    The 90 and 92 are classics...but i cant help but feel that RPs quality control on those has taken a dump after the bands were switched up to the grey ones. I know thats probably just paranoia but it just seems like the blend and the quality isnt necessarily what it once was. Maybe its just me..
    It's not just you. They taste different to me too.

    I haven't seen these grey bands you are referring to. Does this mean I should **** up all of the ones with the brown and gold band while they are still around?

  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    The 90 and 92 are classics...but i cant help but feel that RPs quality control on those has taken a dump after the bands were switched up to the grey ones. I know thats probably just paranoia but it just seems like the blend and the quality isnt necessarily what it once was. Maybe its just me..
    It's not just you. They taste different to me too.

    I haven't seen these grey bands you are referring to. Does this mean I should **** up all of the ones with the brown and gold band while they are still around?

    I don't know anything about grey bands, but about a year ago the blend changed. Right around that time the '92 also changed from a red band to a black one. Maybe that's what he's talking about. I didn't smoke enough '92s at the time to notice a big change, but it was very noticeable to me in the '90.
  • VidarienVidarien Posts: 246
    yeah sorry...i called it grey but its more black like you said. When they made that change, they either screwed with the blend, or started using a lousier crop. Either way though, they arent what they once were, and they once were pretty special.
  • shamrockedshamrocked Posts: 285
    I agree - I remember having a 90 torpedo about 2 years ago - That was really the cigar that made the switch for me from an occasional B&M smoker to having a humi and buying a lot more cigars online. Recently I've had a couple of the 90's and I just didn't get the same experience with them as that 90 a couple years back.
  • Nick2021Nick2021 Posts: 938 ✭✭
    One of my favorite cigars, this one is always consistent for me...one of my everyday smokes.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    yeah sorry...i called it grey but its more black like you said. When they made that change, they either screwed with the blend, or started using a lousier crop. Either way though, they arent what they once were, and they once were pretty special.
    Anyone who knows me, knows that I a RP fan...that being said I would have to agree with this. I've had some recent 1990s and they don't compare to the ones I have in my humi from 2008-2009. This years vintage just isn't as good as the previous ones. Hopefully that will change.

    "Long ashes my friends."

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