^ actually, not bad with a year's rest in the humidor, at least this stick was OK. Burned even, cheap, not too soft, cheap, no bitterness, good draw, cheap.
Hello Edward! It can snow all it wants until the 18th, then it must stop! Enjoying the 80 degree weather, and a Quick Draw Pennsylvania! Nice! @silvermouse
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
Down to the last smoke in my Humidor. here's how my breakfast went today...Now mind you i just came in from plowing snow for 18 hrs. so after this breakfast im going to bed!
^ very good. Good enough that I succumbed to the ccom deal, breaking my yakster-inspired-buying-freeze -- 10 robustos/$50, free shipping....
I broke too, but it's February and I've gotten a few bombs out and a few lottery antes too so I made myself a little room. Still waiting for my goodies to come in.
My CAS counselor, @peter4jc, is to blame for the Diesel Uncuts from the DD but I'll take the blame for ordering some Smoking Jacket cigars.
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About to fire up a Roxor robusto from @Diver43 on my way to work. Homeroast Kenya Nyeri Tegu from @peter4jc; curious to see how it compares to Peter's, I love his roast but went a little darker on mine; lots of fun, gonna be a good day. Thanks, Ron and Peter for the good start.
was it the daily double?
PDR A Crop Claro robusto, not pdr's finest.
I can't tell which was darker yellow, the wrapper or the cello.. very nice morning smoke.
Ave Maria Clermont, nice morning smoke, accompanied by some Tanzania dark roast.
Thanks, unknown bomber(s)! Very nice.
-- Winston Churchill
here's how my breakfast went today...Now mind you i just came in from plowing snow for 18 hrs. so after this breakfast im going to bed!
My CAS counselor, @peter4jc, is to blame for the Diesel Uncuts from the DD but I'll take the blame for ordering some Smoking Jacket cigars.
Homeroast Kenya Nyeri Tegu from @peter4jc; curious to see how it compares to Peter's, I love his roast but went a little darker on mine; lots of fun, gonna be a good day. Thanks, Ron and Peter for the good start.