
So many of the new right claim to be Reagan-esque. He is also talked about, in some circles (see Fox News) as historians refer to Lincoln or Ghandi. I am not writing this as a bashing of the man, nor as a liberal as I have often been wrongly accused of being. I am writing it as a counter point to many ideas, and a challenge to the idea of what Regan is/was. Because the Regan of the 80's is NOT the Regan than lore and mythology has made him out to be today. Many of his downfalls are not discussed, and other info is manipulated to fit this image of the man...and I dont get it
Perhaps first and foremost, Reagan would be a moderate today and a likely target for the Tea Party (Palin) who claim to be his continuation of ideas. Now perhaps his firing of the air traffic controllers and busting the rights of unions was a good thing to some. So maybe was his deregulation of business----these we could debate all day....and Iran Contra even longer than that
What cannot be debated (although Im sure many will say Im wrong) that ---Reagan acted far to slowly and with far too little about the AIDS/HIV epedemic in the U.S. and around the world---The deficit grew by a larger margin than any other president (until Bush)...which included alot of Govt. spending by the way, which was claimed to be so bad. See here the ever popular (failure) War on Drugs---Wealth increased for all (cant argue here), but it also was the largest gain for the top earners ever, while starting the end of the middle class...TRICKLE down, trickle being the key word---The help for Saddam, the fleeing of Lebanon, and the money in Grenada (heres some reasons to not involve ourselves in Libya, btw
Perhaps first and foremost, Reagan would be a moderate today and a likely target for the Tea Party (Palin) who claim to be his continuation of ideas. Now perhaps his firing of the air traffic controllers and busting the rights of unions was a good thing to some. So maybe was his deregulation of business----these we could debate all day....and Iran Contra even longer than that
What cannot be debated (although Im sure many will say Im wrong) that ---Reagan acted far to slowly and with far too little about the AIDS/HIV epedemic in the U.S. and around the world---The deficit grew by a larger margin than any other president (until Bush)...which included alot of Govt. spending by the way, which was claimed to be so bad. See here the ever popular (failure) War on Drugs---Wealth increased for all (cant argue here), but it also was the largest gain for the top earners ever, while starting the end of the middle class...TRICKLE down, trickle being the key word---The help for Saddam, the fleeing of Lebanon, and the money in Grenada (heres some reasons to not involve ourselves in Libya, btw
The other main thing was; I always believed absolutely that Reagan was sincerely interested in the good of the country, the whole country, and what it stood for. I cannot find this ethic in the Neo-Cons who run todays Republican party. They seem to be elitists determined to bring back a plutocracy that would leave only the uppermost portions of the upper class with rights, or education. They seem to me to put forth the idea that it is "Libertarian" for them to use their money and power to force their will on those with less, and to rig the law to support their position.
I miss Reagan, even when he was wrong, at least he was honest.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Seems if you go far enough in either direction on the political spectrum, you wind up on the the other side.
Also +1 to The Gipper; the man was a liberal-turned-conservative and knew how to work with people
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
If you read the article, it turns out that voters think Biden is better than Cheney, but only by 5%
I didn't mean my first post as a pro-democrat/Obama post. If it came off that way I am sorry. I was saying that Reagan is much more popular among moderates and swing voters than Bush. Thus, identifying with him over Bush is intelligent politically.