School computer

Hey fellas, I am heading back to school in the fall and am needing a new laptop computer. I'm only wanting to spend around $500, and I am not very tech savy. So if yall could answer a few questions and give me your openions that would be great.
What is the difference between the AMD duel core processors and the Intel duel core processor? any info would be helpful thanks.
What is the difference between the AMD duel core processors and the Intel duel core processor? any info would be helpful thanks.
One God, One Truth
As for which computer, I say Windows - Mac is great and all, but you pay a definite premium for the Apple name; with Windows, you can get anything from Asus, Sager, HP, Sony, Dell, etc - tons of options for your budget and you don't pay any extra for the "hipness" factor like you do with Apple
Try to get Windows 7 Home Premium, and at least 4 GB of RAM (if all you do is word processing, 4GB is all you need). Also remember to get a built-in wireless card (a definite must), and you may or may not want bluetooth. Like beatnic said, don't buy software - universities get GREAT deals on pretty much everything Microsoft puts out - including laptops!
So ask your University if they have any deals going on - chances are you can get a new laptop at lower price than you could on your own (also don't forget to look for online coupons - you can save a couple hundred with promo coupons)
Lastly, don't scrimp on the screen - it's the most important part of the laptop since you'll be using it all the time. Do some research and find a good one.
Asus and Acer both make good laptops you can get great deals on and would be my recommendation. Anything that conforms to what Xmacro said will fit the bill.