need a bigger humi
I bought a 50ct humi a couple of weeks ago (first one) and I now need a larger one, maybe a 150 ct. Any recomendations? I am money challenged, so please keep that in mind. If anyone has one they would like to sell that would be great thanks a bunch.
+1, Also for temporary use. You can get tupperware until that humidor you want comes in. Trust the forums, theres plenty of info on that in here too.
One idea supporting the 150 count. If your budget won't allow filling a big humi then stay with a 150 and use that as your budget enforcer. If you go over by a bit you can always grab some tupper ware to house the excess until the space frees itself up. My cigar budget is limited and thats kept me sane for ~6-8 years of smoking. For me, it doesn't matter how good the deal is, if I can't fit them in. This has also kep the wife happy btw.
One opinion supporting the 300 count. Take some time to analyze your buying habits truthfully. With cigars, it really is the buying that can be addicitve, not the smoking. So if you tend to spend a little more than you should on occasion, or have trouble resisting a good deal when it pops up, then maybe lean towards a bigger humi becuase there are A LOT of good deals on this site, and its real easy to fill up whatever space you have.
Other thoughts, it sounds like Ccom has some humis that aren't on the web page. Definitely worth a call in to ask about those. Also if your spending some $$ on that, you might want to talk to them about a package deal with some sort of custom sampler so you can start filling it up . . . Always worth a call to talk to someone live.
Finally a word of caution regarding used humi's. I'd say buyer beware. You'll probably be fine if you do this, and you can probably find some great deals on a used one, but you might get burned too. The way I see it, if the humi hasn't been taken good care of you could end up struggling with the humidity becuase of a bad seal and risk drying out some inventory. If this happens, you'd be in the exact same spot your in now except down some $$. Also it seems like the inventory expense always outweighs the humi so one line of thinking would be that its a smart investment.
Anyway, just some food for thought. Good luck in deciding man, and welcome to the boards.