Iran released video "The Coming Is Near"

Has anyone else watched this?
This is a video that the Iranian government has recently commissioned and released. The video is at the bottom of the page on this particular website. There might be websites with better video elsewhere. Certainly not endorsing the website this is on. I heard about the video first and just Googled it and this was one of the first that popped up.
The Coming Is Near
With Ahmadinejad constantly talking about hastening the return of the 12th Imam and Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, and several other countries talking about strengthening their relationship with Iran, this isn't exactly looking good for Israel or for us. Doesn't matter whether you believe in the 12th Imam or religion or any of that stuff. The fact is that these guys do and the only way they can bring about the return of the Islamic messiah is to destroy Israel, create global chaos by "washing the world in blood," establishing a global muslim calaphate. The news sources I've been paying attention to have been talking about this for months now, warning that this was coming. Here you now have it in their own words.
This is a video that the Iranian government has recently commissioned and released. The video is at the bottom of the page on this particular website. There might be websites with better video elsewhere. Certainly not endorsing the website this is on. I heard about the video first and just Googled it and this was one of the first that popped up.
The Coming Is Near
With Ahmadinejad constantly talking about hastening the return of the 12th Imam and Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, and several other countries talking about strengthening their relationship with Iran, this isn't exactly looking good for Israel or for us. Doesn't matter whether you believe in the 12th Imam or religion or any of that stuff. The fact is that these guys do and the only way they can bring about the return of the Islamic messiah is to destroy Israel, create global chaos by "washing the world in blood," establishing a global muslim calaphate. The news sources I've been paying attention to have been talking about this for months now, warning that this was coming. Here you now have it in their own words.