Trump 2012.... Opinions???

So I first saw Donald Trump seriously imply that he might run for president on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon last year. This was the first place he openly stated that he was thinking about running. Then they did a whole segment on President's Day of it on two other shows I watch, Donald Trump's Fabulous World of Golf on the Golf Channel and Celebrity Apprentice. Since then, he has been on countless talk shows actually campaigning on the idea seriously and the last 3-4 minutes of the Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump was all about him running for president.
So, what do you guys think? Will he actually run for president? If so, do you think he'll be a good candidate? What party affilliation will he run under, if any? Do you think he would make a good President? What attributes of his do you think the country could use? What are the negative aspects of him as president?
Obviously, I like Trump. He's building some pretty awesome golf courses, I like 2 of his television shows, and I've studied his investment strategies. I'm not sure yet how I feel about him running, but I'd love to see him run and see how he handles himself in the debates and in the campaign. I do know the man is an incredible administrator and knows how to get things done. I like that he knows when to be cordial and ceremonial but he also knows when to pull the gloves off and start swinging. I like that he isn't very politically correct and he says exactly what he thinks.
On the opposite hand, I'm not sure where he would fit in politically and I think he might end up alienated by both sides of the aisle and not be able to accomplish much through the congress. With our SuperExecutive Branch these days, that might not be all that much of an issue. He has stated that he could pay down our national defecit without making a single cut and I haven't really seen a fully drawn plan of exactly what that entails.
Can't wait to see what he brings to the table economically and on foreign affairs if he chooses to run.
So, what do you guys think? Will he actually run for president? If so, do you think he'll be a good candidate? What party affilliation will he run under, if any? Do you think he would make a good President? What attributes of his do you think the country could use? What are the negative aspects of him as president?
Obviously, I like Trump. He's building some pretty awesome golf courses, I like 2 of his television shows, and I've studied his investment strategies. I'm not sure yet how I feel about him running, but I'd love to see him run and see how he handles himself in the debates and in the campaign. I do know the man is an incredible administrator and knows how to get things done. I like that he knows when to be cordial and ceremonial but he also knows when to pull the gloves off and start swinging. I like that he isn't very politically correct and he says exactly what he thinks.
On the opposite hand, I'm not sure where he would fit in politically and I think he might end up alienated by both sides of the aisle and not be able to accomplish much through the congress. With our SuperExecutive Branch these days, that might not be all that much of an issue. He has stated that he could pay down our national defecit without making a single cut and I haven't really seen a fully drawn plan of exactly what that entails.
Can't wait to see what he brings to the table economically and on foreign affairs if he chooses to run.
bin Laden - YOU'RE FIRED!
Secretary of State Clinton - YOU'RE FIRED! Im replacing you with a more qualified candidate - my daughter Ivanka!
Well, now that I think about it - this idea might have SOME merit after all...
Guess I ought to quit pussyfooting around and say what I really think, huh?
I am not proud, hell I'm not even pleased with the job the POTUS and our congressional leaders are doing.
Not really. Obummer can't hold a candle to Trump, ego-wise. No, the real ego currently residing in the White House is Obummer's wife, Queen Michelle - and even she can't approach The Donald's level of egotism.
Oh, I agree - wholeheartedly. I think they know what a terrible mistake has been made and want to distance themselves from it as far as possible. It's a sad commentary when even your own party doesn't want you, isn't it?
But this is becoming about why we hate Obama which most of us could talk for weeks on and not about why we like or dislike Trump.