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Apologies to BOTL in this FORUM

men I have to tell you all Sorry for making public something I felt needed to be done that has gotten Ugly..... The back and forths be tween me and Joey has finally come to his dumb ass threatening me and making a comment towards or about my son that was WAY OUT OF LINE.
I would start the prayers for Joey at this time.
I too could use some prayers as well........ i think you should know who and what your desling with before you get drunk and make statements that will greatly change life as you know it! LOL


  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    first off) i never threatened u oz.....2nd) i was never drunk, im just tired of u always jumping on my threads trying to discred me for any reason 3rd)...I have told u a dozen times to PM me so we can resolve this...yet u failed to do it once. ..4th)....You would start prayers for me at this time? thats more of a threat then me telling u to fetch some stupid cigars............5th)..HERE IS HOW WE SETTLE THIS FOR NOW ON...WHEN I POST SOMETHING...DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT JUMP ON MY THREAD AND TRY AND DISCRED ME......ALSO, DONT MENTION ME TO ANYONE AT ALL TRYING TO DISCRED MY REP....NO ONE HAS EVER EMAILED ME TELLING ME ANYTHING WRONG WITH ME

    SIMPLE....U LEAVE ME ALONE, I LEAVE U ALONE.....NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT............................................................AGREED?
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    scratch that message....oz...good luck in life brother. im outa here.
  • letsgowithbobletsgowithbob Posts: 677 ✭✭
    I think you are both childish idiots when it comes to this matter. I like you both separately and enjoy reading both your posts in other matters, this sh*t is ridiculous and I wish you would both shut up about it
  • denniskingdennisking Posts: 3,703 ✭✭✭
    I think you are both childish idiots when it comes to this matter. I like you both separately and enjoy reading both your posts in other matters, this sh*t is ridiculous and I wish you would both shut up about it
    I've always been Oz's buddy but I feel the same. get the sand out of your vaginas boys.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Is this really going to continue because it is getting old and childish. If you don't like each other then move on and make some new friends. There are plenty of people on here that I find idiotic but I just keep it to myself. Nothing is gained by airing it.
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    Joey seems like a good botl. From what I can tell about reading the other thread involved here, he got called out unfairly and was the one who got threatened. So he just snapped back. Hate to see him leave because some other brother with a beef for whatever reason pushed him out.
  • skweekzskweekz Posts: 2,279 ✭✭✭
    Is this really going to continue because it is getting old and childish. If you don't like each other then move on and make some new friends. There are plenty of people on here that I find idiotic but I just keep it to myself. Nothing is gained by airing it.

  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    Where are my pants?
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    first off) i never threatened u oz.....2nd) i was never drunk, im just tired of u always jumping on my threads trying to discred me for any reason 3rd)...I have told u a dozen times to PM me so we can resolve this...yet u failed to do it once. ..4th)....You would start prayers for me at this time? thats more of a threat then me telling u to fetch some stupid cigars............5th)..HERE IS HOW WE SETTLE THIS FOR NOW ON...WHEN I POST SOMETHING...DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT JUMP ON MY THREAD AND TRY AND DISCRED ME......ALSO, DONT MENTION ME TO ANYONE AT ALL TRYING TO DISCRED MY REP....NO ONE HAS EVER EMAILED ME TELLING ME ANYTHING WRONG WITH ME

    SIMPLE....U LEAVE ME ALONE, I LEAVE U ALONE.....NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT............................................................AGREED?

    I guess my Apologie that got stepped on my The unmentionable was not respected either... Idiots... thanks for that......
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Is this really going to continue because it is getting old and childish. If you don't like each other then move on and make some new friends. There are plenty of people on here that I find idiotic but I just keep it to myself. Nothing is gained by airing it.
    Are you calling me a dirty liberal again you S.O.B.????;)
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    Joey seems like a good botl. From what I can tell about reading the other thread involved here, he got called out unfairly and was the one who got threatened. So he just snapped back. Hate to see him leave because some other brother with a beef for whatever reason pushed him out.

    Nothing Unfair about it. UNBELIEVEABLE!
  • Hawk55Hawk55 Posts: 846
    WHO FARTED!!!!
  • bearbbearb Posts: 1,128 ✭✭✭
    Is this for real?!?! I read this the other day and just assumed it was two buddies acting out on April Fools day. It seems to be for real, as it is beginning to bubble over again. Guess I am too new, and try to not read into comments posted on the forums, to have really caught the depth of the anger, although I have seen snipes from both parties before. If you have issues with each other then that is unfortunate, however justified it is to you (and your supporters.) Time seems unlikley to heal these issues, as they appear to be very personal in nature. Although it seems like a picked scab, never left alone long enough to heal properly. So stay/go, contribute/don't these are ultimately YOUR decisions, but enough of the negative comments, cluttering up the banter with sniper shots. Life is short so why spend all this energy creating negative energy. ***Attack me if that makes you feel better, but realize that I am not saying anything about either of you, just trying to move the issue along, as it appears to be unresolvable at this point.***
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
  • camgfscamgfs Posts: 968
    I posted in the other thread, and got slammed for "jumping on the bandwaggon". C'mon Oz, you and I have never had an issue in this forum and grouping me in as a bandwaggon jumper is just plain rude.

    I am not taking sides, all I am suggesting is that this may not be a matter for flaming on a public forum. I did say that "I hope my posting does not contribute to the drama", or something like that. I see now that we somehow are adding fuel to the fire by posting in either thread.
    I also feel that I am now becomming the target simply by posting in a forum! Shame.

    Oz, you and I have never had any problem. Please keep your fight to yourself and don't start talking down to others because we offer advice, or simply because we ask you both to sort this out somewhere other than on a public forum.
    Light a cigar, relax and forget about it....oh wait, that's what I'm gonna do, lol.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Is this really going to continue because it is getting old and childish. If you don't like each other then move on and make some new friends. There are plenty of people on here that I find idiotic but I just keep it to myself. Nothing is gained by airing it.
    Are you calling me a dirty liberal again you S.O.B.????;)
    Large carion eating birds and small psychotic furry creatures may make my blood pressure rise a couple of points but we are still bros. LOL
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    Is this really going to continue because it is getting old and childish. If you don't like each other then move on and make some new friends. There are plenty of people on here that I find idiotic but I just keep it to myself. Nothing is gained by airing it.
    Are you calling me a dirty liberal again you S.O.B.????;)
    Large carion eating birds and small psychotic furry creatures may make my blood pressure rise a couple of points but we are still bros. LOL

    Good one ! Love the Big Birds of Prey Myself ! Silent Deadly Attackers when you least expect it!
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Where are my pants?
    I think you left them over at Big Bertha's place ;)

    "Long ashes my friends."

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