Don Pepin Garcia Serie JJ Beliscoso Maduro

Been wanting to try this one for a while now and had one sitting in the humi for a couple months. Toasted up and took flame easily and draw/burn were perfect. Good flavors right off the bat of wood and cocoa. Though the classic maduro tastes were there a plenty, it's not a particularly sweet stick. More of a bitter chocolate kind of thing. Great smoke output...was a great stick to break in the spring season with. But I gotta say it surprised me with its strentgh...totally had me buzzing at the end...that thing was stout! Not that I am a weathered stogie palate but I can smoke a Diesel Unlimited or MOW Runination with no issues. The whole time I was smoking it I had this tickle in the back of my throat. Overall, lighting , burn, construction, smoke output were all great. But I was missing some things I tend to like in my maduros so I am not sure I'd buy more unless I found a great deal. In flavor I would compare this to a La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte beli although the JJ is probably a little richer.