Medicare... Get ready for a voucher to buy for profit health care...

A memo from CBO
GOP is going for it, to privatize medicare, make people pay more and get less. I suspect rick scott has something right make money off passing legislation to make people use his owned facilities...
GOP is going for it, to privatize medicare, make people pay more and get less. I suspect rick scott has something right make money off passing legislation to make people use his owned facilities...
Is it perfect as submitted? Absolutely not.
Is it a step in the right direction? Yes.
America can not continue to kick the can down the road. We need both spending reform and tax reform. For years we have done one without the other and it got us to where we are today. We are in a place where we have to make unpopular decisions. Staying the course is not an option.
btw, government programs are not intended to make a profit! it's not a company. If and a big if, the government stopped spending so much of tax dollars on corporate solvency and spent that money on the commons we would be in better shape and have many more jobs.
Nearly 70 percent of the budget is entitlement and defense spending. What do you suggest they cut instead? Even if we cut the other 30 percent were still running a deficit.
10,000 people per day are turning 65. The cost of medicare will double by 2020. I could care less about privatizing or not. If we don't change something, as you say were screwed. Because they just print more money and devalue the dollar further.
Sooner or later whether we like it or not change will happen. I'd rather make the rules, rather than them being forced upon us. But our current politicians are driven by re election and only make difficult decisions when a forcing event occurs.
I have more on the Medicare vouchers and the cuts for Medicaid and food stamps, but I'll have to get into that when I have more time. Oh, and the failure to cut defense spending or start on social security reform... both major failures on Mr. Ryan's part IMO.