Question for those with smart phones - business related

Ok, so I may or may not be moving into a new job in which I need to juggle a lot of clients at the same time, and my current non-smart phone probably ain't gonna cut it. So I'd like some opinions on what carrier/phone you guys like?
Ideally, it'd have a lot of apps, good coverage, and be versatile - hopefully something I can fit in my pocket or a coat pocket and won't need a backpack to lug around
Ideally, it'd have a lot of apps, good coverage, and be versatile - hopefully something I can fit in my pocket or a coat pocket and won't need a backpack to lug around
I moved to Android two years ago. Not nearly the apps of the iphone, but Google Calendar, and gmail have been great. I use Google Maps for GPS and navigation. I don't sync with work email, but I know it is possible.
Pocket sized means you'd go Droid Incredible, all the specs of the best SMART phones but only in a 3.8" screen. It has android so it's versatile
The only thing to think about is how much you'll be using the Internet (GPS, EMAIL, Streaming Radio, Facebook Etc) for Verizon cannot do voice and data at the same time so if you want to tether your laptop or something like that you cannot talk and use data at the same time...
If you wish to do that, then you'd probably want to go to AT&T for they can do both
Where I live they have to pump the sunshine in and AT&T is the only carrier that works, and I've never had any issues with them. However, I have lived in places where Verizon had better services, I just don't like their customer service and due to an experience in the past will never use them again (personal opinion). Look around and see who has the best coverage in the area, best way is to ask people who use them in that area. When I was a recruiter for the Army I went to a gas station in my new area and asked everyone how their coverage was, and if they were happy with the coverage, and where they used it most. That way I knew if I needed to change carriers. Looked like an IDIOT for about 2 hours, but didn't do it in uniform, so no harm no foul.
If you are going to need to juggle a lot of things (ie. appointments, contacts, information in general) then a smart phone will definitely help. I use an Android style phone now, but have had the iPhone, and blackberries, even had Palm at one point in time (what a disaster!). It is all personal preference. I like how fast and responsive the 'Droids' are, but if you have an iPhone set up correctly it is the same way. If the phone is going to be for work and personal I'd recommend looking at the people in your occupation and seeing what they are using. I personally think the iPhone doesn't look professional (personal opinion), and some of the 'Droids' are the same way. Just gotta jump out there and look.
My personal all-time favorite phone ran off a Linux platform and I NEVER had any issues with it. Now the 'Droids' are very close to replicating that. Make sure you get one with a fast enough processor to 'juggle' the things you will need though. Damn, a novel... My bad.