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Kindle users???

robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
Any kindle users out there? I have like $400 in staples gift cards and in was thinking about getting one... Pros? Cons?


  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Got one for Xmas. Had considered them before, but could never pull the trigger... wasnt sure I would like reading off a screen all the time, thought Id miss the feel of a real book in my hands, etc etc.

    Boy was I wrong - I FRIGGIN LOVE THE THING! :-)

    Pro's - WAY more portable than books (especially hardcovers), full charge on a battery lasts weeks, and its literally like taking an entire library with you!

    Con's - new releases can be slow getting out on Kindle sort of like audio books are, but thats the ONLY drawback I can think of. Oh - no Star Wars novels! Not sure WTH is up with that???

    If you are an avid reader, I highly suggest you pick up a Kindle - think you will really enjoy it!

  • SmokySuitSmokySuit Posts: 429
    Any kindle users out there? I have like $400 in staples gift cards and in was thinking about getting one... Pros? Cons?
    I love kindle!! But why not just use the FREE app on your smartphone? I have the app on my BB and my Ipod Touch, and my Laptop. I must have like 200 books with kindle.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Never used a Kindle, but I do own a Nook and love it. The feel is something to get used to, but the e-ink screen really is just like reading off a page. Regardless of what brand, an ereader is a great thing to have for the avid reader.
  • ShotgunJohnShotgunJohn Posts: 1,545 ✭✭
    My wife has a Kindle and absolutly loves it. I know she said that they give away free books every Tuesday. She has had it about 2+ years and loves it.
    The couple times that I have used it the screen was very easy on the eyes and just like looking at a page. I agree with Joe that any ereader is a great thing for an avid reader.
    The bonus with the new Kindle is that it actual has real page numbers now instead of strange import page markings.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Got the Kindle 2 3G (internet is free; comes with web browser) and love it - I can load everything from my manga/comic books to work files on there and take it anywhere - LOVE IT!! A full charge can last through several books, and once the battery is drained, it takes about 3-4 hours to charge fully.

    It's also sooo much easier on the eyes than an LCD screen; I used to read on my computer all the time; once I switched to Kindle, I never looked back - if I have to read anything over 10 or 15 pages, I just plug my computer into my kindle, upload it, and go outside and smoke a cigar while reading.

    EDIT - almost forgot, if you're into old books, like 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, you can get those for free since they're out of copyright.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    Wife gave me one for my deployment. Best predeployment gift ever! I love being able to carry ALL my books with me. And being able to download stuff from anywhere (well, nost places) on the planet is a huge plus for me. The only con I can think of is the light. The model I have dosent have any of the fancy covers with the light built in, and mine is kinda bulky/akward. Make sure you keep this in mind when looking for accesories.
  • JimmyCJimmyC Posts: 38
    How are they in the dark? Back lit screen?
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    Nope, its just like having a book, some of them have cases available with built in lights I think.
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My wife researched the Kindle and nook and ended up buying me the nook which I love and use everyday. Best gift ever! The reason she went with nook is because the downloads are instant and not only save on the nook but available in your online account. The battery in the nook can be accessed and replaced. the Kindle has to be sent back in. From what other people were saying the amazon Kindle market wasn't as user friendly as nook.
    If you have the cash to get the Kindle I would get the newest model and go for it. I haven't used one but my friends who have love it as much as I love the nook. I would go for the nook color which is amazing but I am partial to the nook. If you want an ereader I would get a Kindle or nook and not even look at the others out there.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    ^ Just to add to what jsnake wrote, the new Kindle 2 or 3 (whatever the latest one is) with 3G downloads from anywhere a cellphone can connect, and the books are connected to your account, so you can re-download them anytime if you delete them off your Kindle. He's right about the Kindle battery - can't be user replaced, though I don't think you'll be needing to replace it for years, if ever.

    +1 to looking at Kindle or Nook though - no other ereader is gonna give you as much selection

    EDIT - no backlit screen, and I'd recommend against the Kindle cover with built-in light simply because it's not bright enough to light the entire screen; I'm partial to this little thing: http://www.amazon.com/Mighty-Bright-XtraFlex2-Kindle-Version/dp/B002CMLDT6/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1302286015&sr=8-8
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    me and the wife both have one, she has the 3rd gen, and she gave me her 2nd gen. We both love it. I have a subscription to a newspaper I get on it every morning that I like to read while drinking my coffee (and having a morning smoke of course)

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    I too have the Nook. My wife did a lot of research and Nook seemed to have a better selections of books being backed by Barnes and Noble. I love. My Nook. I take it pretty much everywhere I go.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Posts: 1,214
    My wife researched the Kindle and nook and ended up buying me the nook which I love and use everyday. Best gift ever! The reason she went with nook is because the downloads are instant and not only save on the nook but available in your online account. The battery in the nook can be accessed and replaced. the Kindle has to be sent back in. From what other people were saying the amazon Kindle market wasn't as user friendly as nook.
    If you have the cash to get the Kindle I would get the newest model and go for it. I haven't used one but my friends who have love it as much as I love the nook. I would go for the nook color which is amazing but I am partial to the nook. If you want an ereader I would get a Kindle or nook and not even look at the others out there.
    A few notes:
    Wireless downloads take under a minute on the Kindle, too.
    You can always redownload the items you've already purchased (AND sych them to another device). I have my books on both my kindle and on my android tablet).
    If you're the least bit handy, you can open and replace the battery in a Kindle should you need to do so.
    The lack of backlight isn't an issue, it's a feature. It's what makes it easier on your eyes. You can read the Kindle in any light you can read a real book. My eyes get tired much faster reading on my tablet.
    I have almost 400 books on mine.... and I think all but a few of them were free. Google "Daily Cheap Reads"
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