What cigar?
What one cigar (origin, roller, size, etc) would you offer to a first timer (someone who has never smoked, or experienced nicotine) to get them to enjoy smoking? Do you break em in with a mild, small-filler blend? Or do you hand them a Gurkha Triple Ligero?? What one cigar do you believe has the "essence" of CIGAR?
If I had to pick one from my humidor for someone new, I would pick the "Frank's Way". It is mild and it is a decent cigar. The green "MR. B" has an extremely mild flavour (the wife likes it O:) and that would also be a good starter cigar. To me, it's like smoking fresh air, but it gets rid of the black flies in May, lol.
One thing I tell anyone who does not smoke cigars......You don't have to smoke the entire cigar~. Smoke it, but feel free to put it down anytime. I want a newcommer to enjoy the part they smoke, rather than feeling like they have to finish it. Just my opinon, of course.
I completely agree with camgfs on the whole, when you're done let it go thing. I think having someone tell you that from the get go would be helpful. When we have cigar night and introduce the newbs, I always make a big point of that, and tell them that it is more wasteful for them to suffer through it than let it go out. Time is after all the most expensive non-renewable resourse we have.
When I was trying to get my father in to cigars I took him with me to a shop right down the road from his house. We went in and looked around the walk-in for about 30 minutes as I talked him through everything. I ended picking up an Ashton double magnum for him. We sat out on the back patio and smoked our cigars and drank the JW Gold I got for him as we watched the sun set. It's one of my favorite moments I've spent with my father, and it's the cigar that got him hooked!