
Ok, does anyone hate it when neighbors park their car in front of your house when they have plenty of space in their driveway? This drives me insane! I would never park my car in front of someones house. Am I crazy? HA!
Not only that the freaking guy that lives next door to him parks his F'n Yacht on the street. The street is only wide enough for two cars but with his damn boat it narrows the street down to a single lane, and it's on a curve.
Sorry selfish people piss me off.
I asked the person to sleep off whatever they had and leave and not come back. 3 weeks and nothing, then one morning the car was back, I had had enough, I called 911 and told them about the person and gave the license number.
The police arrived in about 10 minutes and actually arrested the person on outstanding warrants for 2 DUI charges (go figure).
I had the neighbor's son's car towed 2 times since he parked it on the corner of street semi-blocking the cul-de-sac exit and it sat unmoved for 2 months the first time and 3 weeks the second time. I had already spoken to his parents 2 times and they said it was his old car so he was letting it sit until he could sell it.
Actually he was just a dude that would hang out with some of my friends, he was kind of a ***.
However, we all tend to try and make room for eachother but it can be a pain sometimes.