Sunday was the day

Well fellas, my wife and I, mainly her, had our first child on sunday morning at 1156. had a little girl, both her and mom are doing great. she weighed 6lbs 9oz.
Being a new dad is a great but daunting feeling. but Im glad that she is here safe and healthy. just thought that I would share.
Being a new dad is a great but daunting feeling. but Im glad that she is here safe and healthy. just thought that I would share.
One God, One Truth
You would be suprised how many people ask if I know pink floyd and they stare at me dumbfounded when I stright-faced tell them that he is my uncle. they have no idea. it makes me laugh
I have a son that is 17 months old and when he was born, the car ride home from the hospital was a bit scary, you realize that somebody is relying on you for everything and you don't want to let them down.
My wife and I never knew how much we were missing in life until our little guy arrived.
Glad your wife and baby girl are healthy; let the fun begin!!!!
Congratulations roland! If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a pm anytime. :-)
Meh, we can start another thread for this. LOL We should be focused on Roland here! So much good stuff ahead man... especially once they start talking. Its like you get to discover the world all over again, thru their eyes. Its a very cool thing.