Sources coming into FOX, CNN, NBC from the White House are saying that bid laden's DEAD. The White House is currently preparing a speech
EDIT - News are saying that he was killed a week ago by a US bomb; the news was delayed because they wanted to test the DNA to be sure.
EDIT - News saying he was killed in a mansion living outside Islamabad in Pakistan. Considering Islambad is in the center of Pakistan, it looks like the Pakistani's have a few things to answer for; but since we were able to recover the body from inside Pakistan suggests some cooperation
EDIT - reports are trickling in that it wasn't a bomb that killed Osama, but a gunshot. Seems that it may have been a US covert ops team that did the deed
EDIT - Obama confirms that it was US covert ops in Abatabad that killed him. Three cheers for our men and women in uniform!! HELL YEAH!! USA! USA! USA!!
Sources coming into FOX, CNN, NBC from the White House are saying that bid laden's DEAD. The White House is currently preparing a speech
EDIT - News are saying that he was killed a week ago by a US bomb; the news was delayed because they wanted to test the DNA to be sure.
EDIT - News saying he was killed in a mansion living outside Islamabad in Pakistan. Considering Islambad is in the center of Pakistan, it looks like the Pakistani's have a few things to answer for; but since we were able to recover the body from inside Pakistan suggests some cooperation
EDIT - reports are trickling in that it wasn't a bomb that killed Osama, but a gunshot. Seems that it may have been a US covert ops team that did the deed

EDIT - Obama confirms that it was US covert ops in Abatabad that killed him. Three cheers for our men and women in uniform!! HELL YEAH!! USA! USA! USA!!
Hopefully Im wrong, and this will be exactly the decapitation strike we have wanted for so long.
Regardless of what happens next, a HUUUUUUGE WAY TO GO to our men and women in uniform, and to all the vets over the years who sacrificed so much to bring this murderer to justice. Wish I could buy every single damned one of you an Opus X!
Instead, Obama will probably bow before their king (or whatever they have) just like he did the Saudi ruler...
So proud to be an ex-soldier. And even more proud for my brothers and sisters in uniform.
The more I listen, the more it seems the Pakistani's were **** us on this. Abatabad is halfway between Islamabad and Pashawar, and seems to be a MAJOR military HQ town for the Pakistani's - it's unthinkable they didn't know he was there.
The Pakistani's are paranoid of the Indians - maybe it's time to just let India have a free reign in that region; let 'em clean things up as they see fit
No ****, lucky ba$tard...