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Have an AJ day

ljlljl Posts: 819
Well the man knows his stuff and there are plenty of blends out there. We already have the MOW badges which are cool. But I'm talking any of those and anything else. Any combo AJ goes. For example, one day last week I did:

San Miguel torp
Diesel Unlimited d.x
Sig. Series Salomon

Today I went with:

Morro Castle torp.
Diesel UC
MOW Puro Authentico

Hoping to continue having an AJ day for the next few weeks. It's been well worth it so far. I recommend it, if you decide to give it a try, post the results.


  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Posts: 2,652 ✭✭✭✭
    Had an "MoW" day a few weekends back, can I get a Mow badge? Virtue in the morning, MoW classic in the afternoon and a Ruination in the evening. Didn't plan it, just worked out that way. Got me thinking about a Don Pepin day, or 5-Vegas, maybe Padilla, hmmmm. There's enough Gurkhas out there to have a Gurkha themed week or month though.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    yes u get the MoW badge. I am going to do all the MoW in one day, virtue, ruination, puro, maduro, armada, special edition...ill be all smoked out for weeks lol
  • t_evan50t_evan50 Posts: 1,725
    An AJ day is an excellent Idea. So many blends that you can't go wrong with.

    yes u get the MoW badge. I am going to do all the MoW in one day, virtue, ruination, puro, maduro, armada, special edition...ill be all smoked out for weeks lol
    I've considered doing this but I hate to sacrifice the last 2 or 3 as I wouldn't be able to taste anything. Or probably feel anything for that matter.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    ANY day can be an AJ day in my book. By far I smoke more of his stuff then I do any other makers sticks. The guy is a genius.
    As for Joey doing the size stick challenge... I'm with T_Evan50, those last couple or few will be wasted, mcuh like you will be too LMAO. Hey Joey maybe you will start a new trend here again and be the initial winner of the AJ purging award lol.
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