Physics thought question

I thought up a little mind bender this afternoon and wanted to see what everyone thought the outcome would be.
If you had an airtight container with 0% humidity and you placed a bowl of water in it, what would the humidity in the air tight box after it reaches equilibrium?
I'll post what I think is the correct answer on Monday.
If you had an airtight container with 0% humidity and you placed a bowl of water in it, what would the humidity in the air tight box after it reaches equilibrium?
I'll post what I think is the correct answer on Monday.
The real question is how to get the bowl of water into the container without letting in ambient air?
Magically, a container of water appears in the container. What happens to the humidity of the air inside the container?
It would equalize immediately. The temperature would remain the same and the humidity would reach that level of the surrounding atmosphere. At sea level, that would be 1 atmosphere of pressure (atm), or 30 inches of mercury). So there would be 30"Hg humidity, the RH being dependent on whatever temperature in the container is.
I may be totally wrong, but I'm a DANCIN FOOOOOL. Frank Zappa.
Since dry air is more dense than humid air and your volume is fixed, I dont think the air could pick up any moisture and would remain at 0%. If P and V are fixed you can't change the density which means you can't change the humidity regardless of the temp. Right?