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Deployed Question

RCCCigarRCCCigar Posts: 106
I came across a nice cooler that I think will work nicely as a coolerdor. I just have a couple of questions. Do I clean it the same as I would a tupperdor, like wiping it out with water and then stuffing newspaper in it? Will it moderate the temperature well enough to maintain my sticks? I have been told that we need to start turning the temp on our air conditioners up during the day so that they don't burn up trying to keep the CHU cool. Will the cooler maintain the temp from the coolness at night all throughout the day? Does anyone have any other deployed cigar smoking advice they want to share? Also, what do you guys know about the Arturo Fuente humidor bags and their Humipaks?


  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    It all depends on how efficient your a/c is, brother. I would fire it up and keep an eye on the temperature indoors at the hottest part of the day and see how it does. If it keeps the place cool enough, then build your coolidor, keep it in the shade, and call it a day.

    Another thing you can do is put ice packs in there, but beware of condensation.
    Light 'em up.
  • RCCCigarRCCCigar Posts: 106
    JCizzle, PM to you.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    Under the deployed Cigar advice: Do not buy Cubans from some street vendor; Do not leave your roommate in your room with your cigars unattended; Attach a bottle of hand sanitizer to the side of your humidor... do you know what the last thing they touched was? Just watch out for your stuff man, the first unit I deployed with was awesome. We never had any major issues with theft at all. The unit I'm with now is ridiculous, The have been accused and charged with more than theft!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Under the deployed Cigar advice: Do not buy Cubans from some street vendor; Do not leave your roommate in your room with your cigars unattended; Attach a bottle of hand sanitizer to the side of your humidor... do you know what the last thing they touched was? Just watch out for your stuff man, the first unit I deployed with was awesome. We never had any major issues with theft at all. The unit I'm with now is ridiculous, The have been accused and charged with more than theft!
    funny how that works aye? One thing I hate about having roommates and all.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Newspaper should take care of any plastic smell - it's the same as your coolerdor

    On the temp front, I wouldn't worry too much - so long as you have beads or humidity pillows, or foam, or something/anything to control humidity and keep it around or below 70% RH, you shouldn't have a problem.

    Ideally (as in, if you've got the money, the room, and the environment) you wanna keep cigars around 65F - the only ones who can do this are either people with houses who don't mind a high electric bill, or those who own wineadors. But honestly, me and some other BOTL's on here have kept our cigars around 75 or close to 80F for long periods and haven't experienced any effects, so I wouldn't worry too much so long as the temp doesn't go above 80F
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    Newspaper should take care of any plastic smell - it's the same as your coolerdor

    On the temp front, I wouldn't worry too much - so long as you have beads or humidity pillows, or foam, or something/anything to control humidity and keep it around or below 70% RH, you shouldn't have a problem.

    Ideally (as in, if you've got the money, the room, and the environment) you wanna keep cigars around 65F - the only ones who can do this are either people with houses who don't mind a high electric bill, or those who own wineadors. But honestly, me and some other BOTL's on here have kept our cigars around 75 or close to 80F for long periods and haven't experienced any effects, so I wouldn't worry too much so long as the temp doesn't go above 80F

    This brings up the question in my mind, Chu or Tent? Either way the best bet is gonna be a cooler. The cooler is going to work best because it is insulated. it keeps out the heat, or cold (Chu life) or just the heat (Tent life). It also creates a pretty good seal so if your on mission for a couple of days (I've left mine for over two weeks) you have nothing to worry about, outside of the aforementioned roommate.

    54 Qrt takes four copies of the Stars and Stripes crumpled up for two days to remove all the smell. Order some heartfelt beads, tell him your deployed and trying to make a coolidor, with David there is no telling what will end up in your box. Then you need to start the Balad Chapter of the DCCC. If you want to do this I will have the design team look into creating another logo depicting us as International. I will post pics of my coolidors in my Chu sometime tomorrow, and you can see how I have mine set up.
  • RCCCigarRCCCigar Posts: 106
    Newspaper should take care of any plastic smell - it's the same as your coolerdor

    On the temp front, I wouldn't worry too much - so long as you have beads or humidity pillows, or foam, or something/anything to control humidity and keep it around or below 70% RH, you shouldn't have a problem.

    Ideally (as in, if you've got the money, the room, and the environment) you wanna keep cigars around 65F - the only ones who can do this are either people with houses who don't mind a high electric bill, or those who own wineadors. But honestly, me and some other BOTL's on here have kept our cigars around 75 or close to 80F for long periods and haven't experienced any effects, so I wouldn't worry too much so long as the temp doesn't go above 80F

    This brings up the question in my mind, Chu or Tent? Either way the best bet is gonna be a cooler. The cooler is going to work best because it is insulated. it keeps out the heat, or cold (Chu life) or just the heat (Tent life). It also creates a pretty good seal so if your on mission for a couple of days (I've left mine for over two weeks) you have nothing to worry about, outside of the aforementioned roommate.

    54 Qrt takes four copies of the Stars and Stripes crumpled up for two days to remove all the smell. Order some heartfelt beads, tell him your deployed and trying to make a coolidor, with David there is no telling what will end up in your box. Then you need to start the Balad Chapter of the DCCC. If you want to do this I will have the design team look into creating another logo depicting us as International. I will post pics of my coolidors in my Chu sometime tomorrow, and you can see how I have mine set up.
    I'm in a CHU. My roomate is never really there without me. We work together and we work the same hours. But he's cool. He won't take my stuff. That's who I smoke with mostly and we don't smoke without each other. What is DCCC? A cigar club?
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    It is the Dead Camel Cigar Club. Founded by the least knowledgeable people for the purpose of learning about the art that is cigars.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Good ol Balad. Flew into there heading into country and that's where all are logpac's ran to for resupply. I was on a lil fob about 8 miles, as the crow flies, from there. I bought my infidel tab there, that I wore in place of my rank, over by one of the px's at a embroidery shop. As far as your question, I have no input from my time in country. My plt sgt had a humidor and let me store my stuff in there so unfortunately I can't help.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Good ol Balad. Flew into there heading into country and that's where all are logpac's ran to for resupply. I was on a lil fob about 8 miles, as the crow flies, from there. I bought my infidel tab there, that I wore in place of my rank, over by one of the px's at a embroidery shop. As far as your question, I have no input from my time in country. My plt sgt had a humidor and let me store my stuff in there so unfortunately I can't help.
    I really like those infidel tabs and I've always wanted one, but I have nowhere to wear it or put it. Maybe I'll get a t-shirt...
    Light 'em up.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Hell yeah man they're awesome. I hated wearing my rank on my flak and rocked that instead.There are some great hoodies and shirts out there. I have one that says infidel on the front both english and arabic and on the back says "Stay back 100 meters or you will be shot" in both english and arabic...lol
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Hell yeah! I saw one that said "infidel: everyone knows you're one anyway" in English and Arabic. :D
    Light 'em up.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    Heres the pics I promised. The coolidors themselves aren't fancy, no shelves (which would be AWESOME!), but they work and I am happy with their performance.
    First is my daily humidor: some of the boxes are full, but not all of them.
    Daily Humidor

    I used old Copenhagen cans (thoroughly cleaned and stuffed with Stars & Stripes for 3 days), and the Hearfelt bead bags to make pucks. This way I could attach them to the lid and keep them out of the way.
    Copenhagen Puck

    My hygrometer is WAY to close to the humidifcication for my liking, but it is quick to find and it doesn't keep moving around in the Humi
    Daily top

    Next is my box/DCCC Humidor: All of the boxes are either completely of half full, the bag and singles are the DCCC cigars. Some idiot ordered more cigars than he could store and needed to borrow the DCCC Humi, however, said idiot is the reason I have the full box of Padilla 1932's sitting in there. He must not be too bad, and what a steal I got them for.
    Box HumidorBox Humidor 2
  • jr_p951jr_p951 Posts: 1,121
    DCCC...I've been in Afghanistan for 7 months now and heard of this underground band of brothers! I do meet a friend or two from time to time around base but we never talk about finding other cigar smokers. There could be a whole international network right under our noses!
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    That cooler is B.A.!
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    DCCC...I've been in Afghanistan for 7 months now and heard of this underground band of brothers! I do meet a friend or two from time to time around base but we never talk about finding other cigar smokers. There could be a whole international network right under our noses!
    There totally is. It's kind of like fight club.
    Light 'em up.
  • RCCCigarRCCCigar Posts: 106
    It is the Dead Camel Cigar Club. Founded by the least knowledgeable people for the purpose of learning about the art that is cigars.
    Least knowledgeable people? This cigar club sounds right up my alley....
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    be ready soon for the unveiling of the new logo!
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    be ready soon for the unveiling of the new logo!
    Awesome, def looking forward to it!
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