Another Stupid Law

This isnt cigar related but I am still fired up about the over reach of government taking away our choices (New MD cigar law in particular). I just picked up the local paper today here my town and one of the alderman is pushing for a law that would ban all disposable shopping bags. No more paper or plastic. We would be forced to buy the reusable ones. I live in a pretty retail intensive area with everything from a borders to a game stop. This is ridiculous. A law that requires me to buy something?? I fancy myself a good steward of the environment and use the reusable stuff as much as I can but to not have the option is downright over reaching.
I can understand it as it will cut down on garbage and all but at the same time paper is still being used. And I'm not sure about this but I assume most stores won't be too happy if you use your "own" shopping bag.
But you might be interested to know it is also terrible for both the environment and the health of the general public. In the case of the environment, it takes approximately 100x the plastic/energy/resources to make a reusable plastic bag as it does a standard one. That means you have to use that 100 times just to break even with the environmental effects (maybe less, it should be noted that 100 standard bags is more waste than 1 reusable bag). If you shop for groceries once a week, that's nearly 2 years of use from one bag. In California specifically it has been demonstrated that people often do not reuse these bags even once. And CA is supposed to be environmentally conscious, so that's probably better than other places. But even if you use these things 100 times...
That brings me to point number 2: health risks. Bacteria are on everything in a supermarket, even on packaged goods, but enormously on produce and meat. That means that technically we should be washing these bags each and every time we use them unless we want to get sick. That's bad...but the solution is worse...
Back to the environment again. Washing these things puts chemicals into the ground water. And preventing bacteria in the first place? Well that would require we guessed it, plastic bags to pack up produce and meat (most people do that already) and these wouldn't be able to be re-usable...or they'd have to be washed...and you get the idea from there, right?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain