Didn't They Learn Already?

You would think after the govt. got involved in the housing market and caused the entire market to slide into the crapper, they would have learned to leave things alone... But it looks like that Obama Administration is pushing banks to offer MORE sub-prime mortgage loans. Of course they can demonize anyone speaking out against this dangerous practice by turning it into a "race" issue.
You would think after the govt. got involved in the housing market and caused the entire market to slide into the crapper, they would have learned to leave things alone... But it looks like that Obama Administration is pushing banks to offer MORE sub-prime mortgage loans. Of course they can demonize anyone speaking out against this dangerous practice by turning it into a "race" issue.
The equal opportunity housing bullsh*t is not working.
And it's not because people are one race or another, it because they don't f*cking work for it.
The idea that because I'm black I need special rules is stupid.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Speaking as a guy who's in the lending business, the government cracking down on redlining puts banks in a bind. While lending standards has tightened, the government wants banks to lend more to poor families who are typically not qualified for traditional loans. Banks can certainly lend to low-income applicants, but their inherent risk results in higher interest rates (subprime loans). Based on news from the past couple of years, the word "subprime" automatically generates a very negative reaction.
Subprime loans serve a purpose in this economy, just like payday loans and check cashing services. Like all things, when used wisely, it represents a net-benefit to society. What the government should be doing is not to force banks to lend in low-income communities, but rather regulate the professionals that sell and market these types of loans and also educate low-income families on what having a mortgage would entail. It was the combination of greed and ignorance that brought about this whole credit mess.
Cabbi: a fact walked up to that bloated sac of festering puss
Well at least we're keeping the name calling to a minimum....lolllllll