This is beyond infuriating.....

From the Washington Times:
President Obama left the White House this morning a little after 9:30 am. He wasnt on his way to the Capitol building, where grieving friends and families of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty hold a yearly commemorative service. Though he was invited to recognize the fallen and offer condolences by speaking at the annual Peace Officers Memorial Service, he instead spent this fine Sunday playing a round of golf with aide Ben Finkenbinder, White House trip director Marvin Nicholson and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk.
Every president deserves down time. But after offending? police earlier this week by hosting a rapper at the White House whose corpus includes a song lauding a convicted cop-killer, blowing off their service in order to golf seems tone-deaf, if not outright callous. Badly done?, Mr. President.
President Obama left the White House this morning a little after 9:30 am. He wasnt on his way to the Capitol building, where grieving friends and families of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty hold a yearly commemorative service. Though he was invited to recognize the fallen and offer condolences by speaking at the annual Peace Officers Memorial Service, he instead spent this fine Sunday playing a round of golf with aide Ben Finkenbinder, White House trip director Marvin Nicholson and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk.
Every president deserves down time. But after offending? police earlier this week by hosting a rapper at the White House whose corpus includes a song lauding a convicted cop-killer, blowing off their service in order to golf seems tone-deaf, if not outright callous. Badly done?, Mr. President.
Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
It's unfortunate that this president doesn't recognize that.
Yup. Obama's been absent two out of the past three years. Say what you will about GW Bush, in eight years he never once missed a police memorial in DC. Even Clinton was known for attending religiously.
In '09, Obama was at least out of town and sent Holder in his stead. But to be busy golfing?
And his wife's not much better.
Obama did not get bin Laden.
US Navy Seal team 6 got bin Laden. Let us show respect and give credit where it is due.
And another great big AMEN to that. Obummer watched it on the tube.
You can justify it any way you want, if it makes you feel better for voting for him. But golfing instead of attending a National memorial honoring people who sacrificed for this country, is inexcusable no matter what spin you wanna put on it.
To be honest Pheebs, I wasn't surprised by your comments at all. I think you've stated in other threads your general distaste for LE. Were you "harassed" by the police a lot growing up, or something?
"Petty crap"??? Really? Thanks, dude. That means a lot.
Saying Obama should get no credit for the raid and killing of Bin Laden because he was not there just like saying Bin Laden should have no blood on his hands for 9/11 because he wasnt in DC, NY, or Penn at the time.........and I sure remember W on the golf course and in Crawford QUITE A BIT. Just saw Clinton was away alot, just as Bush and Reagan were, ect.
"Long ashes my friends."
So, yea. We're Obama bashers. But is he not deserving of the bashing?
He is absolutely deserving of criticism when justifed and to be questioned about his decisions----but bashing for the sake of bashing at anything people can find (which Im sorry happens quite a bit here) and juvenile name calling? Not so sure anyone is deserving of that.
On the other hand in this debate, I do give him credit for sending the order to kill OBL. No doubt he did that absolute right thing.
I do think it was a low move to skip a law enforcement memorial to go play a round of golf with an aid of his. Is it the worst thing he has done? No. I'm sure he will do many more things worse than this before his run is up.
Women, Children and the Poor are most affected by the phobicsquirl's smoking habits!
to **** bags.
its one of the stupidest things to quibble about and frankly i dont give a *** how much either one is out there. but, facts are facts and easily looked up.
as far a the actual issue at hand (golfing instead of being somewhere more politically acceptable) ...
who cares? every president has made mistakes like this. people in general make paux pas all the time. i know he is the president and is under a microscope but arent there bigger fish to fry here? seriously....