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Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet

I had my 2nd Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet today. I loved it! I had the robusto. I know a lot of BOTL's have had good things to say about this stick in the past, so my question is...What is the best Vitola in the Cuban Cabinet? and, are other Sol Cubano blends as tasty as the Cuban Cabinet? I have noticed the cheap prices on these sticks, but for the taste, from my few expierences seem well worth it! Any thoughts on the connie/maduro?


  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    Of the ones I've had(almost all of them), the #4 is my favorite and the robusto is second. Jo3zer was telling me he likes the culebra even more than the #4, and I'm inclined to believe him. I keep meaning to pick one up, but every time I'm ordering, I forget.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    The small ring gauge vitolas are definitely, in my opinion, the best of them. The culebra has something special that none of the other sizes have, can't really describe it, but they're fantastic.
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    The Number 1 is my favorite size (roughly a lonsdale I think).
  • ThinBluLine06ThinBluLine06 Posts: 283
    Thanks guys...
  • Alex_SvensonAlex_Svenson Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    I agree with a lot of what is said here about smaller ring. The lancero is too skinny for me but the #4 and #1 are great. Robusto too.
  • Dude LoveDude Love Posts: 315
    Go for the Sol Cubano Connecticut. I had the toro and the thing was nothing but smooth, creamy smoke. Not a complex cigar, but plenty of flavor, pretty mild too.
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