Obama Reaching Too FAR!!

So, I always find it interesting how before one becomes president they appose conflict or war, especially without congressional approval (for democrats mostly btw), however Obama seems to think a bit different now. An article taken from the huffingtonpost
For most of us "liberals" we think armed conflict should and can be avoided however we usually do agree that sometimes it needs to be done. However there needs to be a good reason. Now since we already have such a debt problem, thanks in part of recklessness from both parties and which still seems to be happening; we or should I say our president spends billions of dollars in lybia. While we do that, spend money in Iraq and Afghanistan, we have millions of people out of work, out of unemployment, out of healthcare, teachers being fired, schools being closed, police and firefighters being laid off, state employees being fired, social services being targeted, and the list can go on. BUT we must spend money on bombs. I for one am sick of it. I mean wtf!
Thankfully NATO is taking control of most of this crap but still, we shouldn't even be involved. I personally think that since "WE" as a country are not even close to being united, or have even fixed some of our most critical issues, and have corporations running and ruining our so called democracy; we have no right in telling others how to do things. It's insulting as an American and a human. It's like being murderer and then tell people not to kill. It makes no friggin sense.
For most of us "liberals" we think armed conflict should and can be avoided however we usually do agree that sometimes it needs to be done. However there needs to be a good reason. Now since we already have such a debt problem, thanks in part of recklessness from both parties and which still seems to be happening; we or should I say our president spends billions of dollars in lybia. While we do that, spend money in Iraq and Afghanistan, we have millions of people out of work, out of unemployment, out of healthcare, teachers being fired, schools being closed, police and firefighters being laid off, state employees being fired, social services being targeted, and the list can go on. BUT we must spend money on bombs. I for one am sick of it. I mean wtf!
Thankfully NATO is taking control of most of this crap but still, we shouldn't even be involved. I personally think that since "WE" as a country are not even close to being united, or have even fixed some of our most critical issues, and have corporations running and ruining our so called democracy; we have no right in telling others how to do things. It's insulting as an American and a human. It's like being murderer and then tell people not to kill. It makes no friggin sense.
Gotta love progressive moral relativism.
Aside from that, I think I am actually with Pheebs on this one in that our President has gone too far. At this point, it just feels like he wants to stick his hand into every single pie out there in hopes that he'll snag another victory and more attention. While I fully believe that, at times, swift and decisive action is called for and political wrangling be damned, this does not appear to be one of those times and his attitude about it is entirely arrogant.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Under this view, America is not morally superior to Libya's Ghaddafi who was about to purge a city of 700,000 people; and America isn't any better than Syria, who's cleansing entire towns of dissidents. Under this view, since America isn't seen as morally superior, we have no business telling these regimes to stop or doing anything to bring about their fall.
This type of political view is really only found with progressives, and it's typically called moral equivalency or relativism since the USA is being compared or related, morally, to regimes that kill by the thousands.
Pheebs, in his posts, is essentially saying America has no business doing or saying anything to stop the slaughter because Congress hasn't implemented his preferred social programs.
Because "America has more blood on its hands than any other", we have no business telling any country, even Libya, Iran, or Syria, what to do or stop doing. That's moral equivalancy/relativism and it's only found among progressives; the view that, morally, the US stands on equal ground, if not lower, than other countries.
History may be a bit hazy there cabi...
Betcha can guess it in one.
Not to mention he doesn't have an ally with a population in the billions and makes most of our goods...