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Arturo Fuente Anejo 77

GoldyGoldy Posts: 1,638 ✭✭
I sat out on the front porch enjoying a wonderful sunset over the mountains with my wife and a bottle of champainge. I decided to smoke the AF shark and the wife had a Acid Wafe. The wafe had an amazing aroma but she said it got harsh near the end and put it down. She did like the Shark and said it was really really smooth. I got to explaining how different members on the forum were able to pic out flavors in the cigar so she decided to give it a whirl and was able to pick out cedar and leather. I was impressed.

Anyway, I was surprised with the lack of punch this had. Good cedar and leather flavors but I wasn't able to pick anything else out, there was very little to no spice. Has anyone else noted this or am I just a total noob at picking out other flavors?

It was a very good stick but if given the choice between the anejo and an opus I would pick the opus.


  • 415415 Posts: 951
    i cant say i would choose either the anejo or the opus over the other.

    i have noticed that, for me it is easier to pick up the more subtle flavors when i am not drinking anything with flavor( anything other than water) and when im alone. (when im alone theres no distraction) and for me it helps to close my eyes upon retrohale.

    also ive noticed with the anejo, with 2 or more years on the stick i have more trouble picking out individual flavors
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I love the shark. I had my first one about a month ago. Very smooth cigar, it's not gonna blow your head off w/ power but I really like the sweet, smoothness of the cigar. A perfect maduro in my book.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    The 46 will probably always be my favorite Anejo... but boy, the 77 really gives it a run for its money. Not only is the shape "cool" it just does something to the blend that is awesome. Have a few in the humidor that I really have to pinch myself not to smoke. They are on long-term off-limits aging... but I some days I almost regret that decision.
  • denniskingdennisking Posts: 3,703 ✭✭✭
    I find that I get more of the hint of sweetness from the cognac in the 77 and the 50. I like all the vitolas though. the 46 is what I smoke the most of.
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