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Cabinet Humidor

Husker44Husker44 Posts: 172
Ok fellas, I didn't listen about getting the right size of humidor.

I purchased a 75 count a little over a year ago and I am looking to upgrade over the summer. It has been full since the first month

Any suggestions on a cabinet out there? I like the end table variety. I don't need the tall cabinet options (the wife would kill me after rolling her eyes)

I've looked at the aristocrat, but don't know I need to spend that much. Ideas?


  • jfacianejfaciane Posts: 242
    Well I had a 50 ct to start with and quickly filled it. Now I use it for infused cigars and I upgraded to a 300 ct. I know you said cabinet but it's an option. How man you looking to hold? A 1000 ct or more or what? Theres some really nice ones out there and plenty to choose from, just make sure you check out the warranty's on them and the company has good customer service in case you want to return it or anything like that.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    They have a footlocker humidor that is relatively inexpensive around, you can find it by googling "foot locker humidor". They go for around $150. The other obvious (and cheaper) alternative is to build a coolerdor. Check out the "coolerdorasaurus" thread in general discussion.
  • blurrblurr Posts: 962 ✭✭
    Diablos are another 300ct. humidor you can search for, but I'm pretty sure they offer it here at Ccom you just have to ask because its not shown online. Thats what I have and I love it. Running 70% beads I only have to recharge for humidity like once every 30 days, and the seal is tight.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Either coolerdor or wineador
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    I got my cabinet last summer and love it...nothing major fancy....i took pics and put them up in the general section of the forum.....12 pull out shelves...1000ct i believe it said./ Check with ur local cigar shops and just ask if they have anything for sale behind the door.....I got mine that way...no tax, it was a extra one they had in their garage they bought and never had enough room in their store for it so it worked out nicely fo rme cuz originally was 1500 online, i got for 400
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    One word: Coolidor

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • t_evan50t_evan50 Posts: 1,725
    I've had a cooler and now have an Aristocrat Plus-48 Cabinet. Both are excellent options with the obvious cost savings going to the coolerdor. I do love my aristocrat. After 6 months I removed the humidification device completely and its sealed and seasoned so well it holds a steady 67% with a circulation fan running once every 20min. And they are gorgous to boot. But yea the cooler works great and is super cost effective. Even with cost of beads, digital humistat, trays, etc. No matter what way you go it's gunna cost you a ton because that empty space is no fun to look at.
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