Capitalism, or not anymore?

So while enjoying a nice weekend with family in gfs bro in law actually made a really good point-We dont live in a capitalistic country anymore. With that being said, ill give a great great example: housing and banking industry.
A capital world is someone like us starting a business with a risk to lose everything if we fail, if we fail they could levy our bank accounts, take our homes, etc.........
So, the banks should be the same correct? No.
When they give out loans (some legit some not), they are taking a risk to make money as a business does. but what happens when the economy tanked, and people foreclosed? They got bailed out. Now keep in mind, they gave out fake money to someone to buy a home, got great return on their investment for how ever long before someone foreclosed, then they faulted on the repayment, now the bank got a bailout of money, and they are also able to take tax write offs from the gover ment they sieze the home, put back on market, and make another loan.......WHERE IS THE RISK?
A capital world is someone like us starting a business with a risk to lose everything if we fail, if we fail they could levy our bank accounts, take our homes, etc.........
So, the banks should be the same correct? No.
When they give out loans (some legit some not), they are taking a risk to make money as a business does. but what happens when the economy tanked, and people foreclosed? They got bailed out. Now keep in mind, they gave out fake money to someone to buy a home, got great return on their investment for how ever long before someone foreclosed, then they faulted on the repayment, now the bank got a bailout of money, and they are also able to take tax write offs from the gover ment they sieze the home, put back on market, and make another loan.......WHERE IS THE RISK?
With that being said, I believe the bailout was crap and its a crap system when banks can foreclose and get the house back, and can RESELL IT again, but what can you do. I'm all for MORE banking industry regulations, which is why I vote how I do. I'll leave it at that.