
I love it when any politician is caught in a sex scandal showing everyone that at their core they are just plain and simple degenerates.
I love it when any politician is caught in a sex scandal showing everyone that at their core they are just plain and simple degenerates.
I love it when stuff like this happens too, but I get much happier when it happens to the very religious/moral crazed politicans or leaders (where have you gone from my life Ted Haggard and Larry Craig)
Who hasnt taken a pic of the ol meat hammer when youre a little bored and the cell phone is handy though, right?.....right???RIGHT????? hello? anyone?
I mean he's not denying the picture is of him. and if he's proven to be lying about being hacked he'll find a way to pawn it off on someone using his laptop when he went to the restroom or some crap, democrats will have their lackeys fall on the sword for them, I mean hell one of em laid claim to a child to save face for John Edwards.
What a goof..... Doesn't he know that there are hundreds of discreet ways for politicians to have anonymous sex without plastering your pics all over the net? LOL!
Sorry about the misunderstanding, I had a tough day at work.
Then he calls Bill Clinton to apologize??? WTF? Calling a known philanderer for philandering?
His wife is "sticking by him", though. She's Hillary's Dept. chief of staff. She musta learned from the best how to bite her tongue. The only thing dumber than a corrupt politician is a corrupt politician's wife.