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LHC Core?

The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
Anybody out there given these a try yet? Would love to hear some feedback. Love the LCH Oscuro Fuerte, and with AJ involved once again I figure the Core has got to be a surefire winner!



  • klgoldmanklgoldman Posts: 176
    I'm very curious about these as well. They sure do look tasty!
  • t_evan50t_evan50 Posts: 1,725
    Surely once they get their stock in Tim will be doing an email promotion with an excellent price...hint...hint ;)
  • ShotgunJohnShotgunJohn Posts: 1,545 ✭✭
    Surely once they get their stock in Tim will be doing an email promotion with an excellent price...hint...hint ;)
    +1 fingers crossed
  • + 1 they look great and due to the price, they want it to be the flagship I guess. Hard to beat the Oscuro fuerte so it's gotta really kick butt to be worth the dough
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Surely once they get their stock in Tim will be doing an email promotion with an excellent price...hint...hint ;)
    HUGE +1 on this! I think I would consider inflicting serious bodily harm on a close family member in order to get a flight sampler of the different sizes. :-)

  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I've received a 5pk for the Core robustos. Cigar blew me away, great stick.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Posts: 2,963 ✭✭✭
    + 1 they look great and due to the price, they want it to be the flagship I guess. Hard to beat the Oscuro fuerte so it's gotta really kick butt to be worth the dough
    All you have to do is stay one step behind the new releases to get great pricing. As more cigar blends are made and marketed the ones that just came out 6 months ago suddenly go on sale left and right. For the savings, I have no problem at all not keeping up with the Jones's.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    + 1 they look great and due to the price, they want it to be the flagship I guess. Hard to beat the Oscuro fuerte so it's gotta really kick butt to be worth the dough
    All you have to do is stay one step behind the new releases to get great pricing. As more cigar blends are made and marketed the ones that just came out 6 months ago suddenly go on sale left and right. For the savings, I have no problem at all not keeping up with the Jones's.
  • ShotgunJohnShotgunJohn Posts: 1,545 ✭✭
    + 1 they look great and due to the price, they want it to be the flagship I guess. Hard to beat the Oscuro fuerte so it's gotta really kick butt to be worth the dough
    +1 for LHCOF yum!!! I want to try CORE though it looks so damn good.
  • fla-gypsy:
    + 1 they look great and due to the price, they want it to be the flagship I guess. Hard to beat the Oscuro fuerte so it's gotta really kick butt to be worth the dough
    All you have to do is stay one step behind the new releases to get great pricing. As more cigar blends are made and marketed the ones that just came out 6 months ago suddenly go on sale left and right. For the savings, I have no problem at all not keeping up with the Jones's.
    True.. I'm just referring to MSRP and the price in general. It's higher than any other stick by LH. Of COURSE I expect deals from CCOM. Who ever pays regular price anymore? Lol
  • Dude LoveDude Love Posts: 315
    I'm still waiting on a DD to catch my eye so I can use my birthday discount and add these in with it, so don't go buying up all of these fine looking sticks.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    j0z3r & bandy's recent bombing of me got me to thinking that maybe I post too many negative reviews and not enough positive ones, so Im'a start working on that right now.

    What a PHENOMINALLY GREAT smoke the LHC Core is! Great strength + flavor in this one, not simply strength for strength's sake. Perfect draw (I likes me a nice loose, easy draw - insert joke here! LOL), puts out a HUMONGOUS cloud of smoke with every draw and has a nice long delicious finish that leaves me absolutely craving more!

    Boys, if you are a fan of full bodied sticks and havent givent this one a whirl, DO SO RIGHT NOW! I honestly never thought LHC would top the Oscuro Fuerte, but they have outdone themselves with the Core.

    Why are you still reading and not smoking a Core? I did say RIGHT NOW, did I not? :-)

  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Posts: 937 ✭✭✭
    The Sniper:
    j0z3r & bandy's recent bombing of me got me to thinking that maybe I post too many negative reviews and not enough positive ones, so Im'a start working on that right now.

    What a PHENOMINALLY GREAT smoke the LHC Core is! Great strength + flavor in this one, not simply strength for strength's sake. Perfect draw (I likes me a nice loose, easy draw - insert joke here! LOL), puts out a HUMONGOUS cloud of smoke with every draw and has a nice long delicious finish that leaves me absolutely craving more!

    Boys, if you are a fan of full bodied sticks and havent givent this one a whirl, DO SO RIGHT NOW! I honestly never thought LHC would top the Oscuro Fuerte, but they have outdone themselves with the Core.

    Why are you still reading and not smoking a Core? I did say RIGHT NOW, did I not? :-)

    I have three Toros with 50 days or so on them - and I WAS gonna let them all sit!
    But you're pressuring me man...........stop it!
    (taking one out right now for a 16 hour dry box - and then a fri afternoon smoking extravaganza!!! )

  • grannejagranneja Posts: 382
    Post a review!
  • I have a few that I received in my Best of Summer samplers that are resting. This is an awesome sampler- worth checking out and with 2 LHC Core and 2 Puro Authentico it is a bargain for sure.
  • blurrblurr Posts: 962 ✭✭
    I'm interested in grabbing a box of these. If anybody would be interested in splitting a box PM me. I'm seeing a few decent prices occasionally, so PM me & we can discuss & make plans for me to buy.
  • JudoChinXJudoChinX Posts: 775
    The Sniper:
    j0z3r & bandy's recent bombing of me got me to thinking that maybe I post too many negative reviews and not enough positive ones, so Im'a start working on that right now.

    What a PHENOMINALLY GREAT smoke the LHC Core is! Great strength + flavor in this one, not simply strength for strength's sake. Perfect draw (I likes me a nice loose, easy draw - insert joke here! LOL), puts out a HUMONGOUS cloud of smoke with every draw and has a nice long delicious finish that leaves me absolutely craving more!

    Boys, if you are a fan of full bodied sticks and havent givent this one a whirl, DO SO RIGHT NOW! I honestly never thought LHC would top the Oscuro Fuerte, but they have outdone themselves with the Core.

    Why are you still reading and not smoking a Core? I did say RIGHT NOW, did I not? :-)

    You may have just convinced me to light one of these up this morning.
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Posts: 937 ✭✭✭
    Post a review!
    Not a professional review, but here it goes:

    My first LHC of any kind. I had three of these, and was going to let them sit. But a botl from this thread was praising this stick quite highly, and was "pestering" me to smoke one, so I had to give one a try.
    54 days in my humi at 66, 18 hour dry box.
    I'm pretty sure the dry box was not necessary, but it didn't hurt the stick either.
    This cigar is a box press of sorts, rectangular press with very rounded edges. Beautiful construction, seamless, but felt light in the hand. This lack of weight had me squeezing the stick a bit to check for "airiness", but it was quite firm and consistent, given how light it was.

    Prelite aroma nice leathery earthy tobacco aromas. V-snipped with my Wolf cutter parallel to the long side of the rectangular shape. The draw was extremely loose, giving me some concern, yet to be expected considering how light the stick was. (Definitely punch or v-cut this stick - I'll explain below.)
    Lit easily and started off with lots of peppery spice and some leathery/tobacco flavors. It's a good thing this was a Toro, as it took me well over an inch to figure out how to smoke this stick! The draw was very loose, yet produced tons of wispy smoke, which a few times found its way to places in my throat that I didn't want it to go.
    I finally figured out to take lighter puffs, AND to crimp down a bit on the v-cut, closing off the cigar somewhat while puffing. This technique not only improved the draw resistance, but concentrated the flavors a bit more, which starting morphing into heavier leather, with hints of chocolate and coffee, and a nice solid rich tobacco undertone.

    The first ash held 2+ inches, I knocked it off. The retrohale on the first inch or two had a mild to moderate peppery bite. This vanished by the start of the second 1/3, and the stick remained deliciously smooth to the nub. Strength picked up towards the end, I slowed my pace. It needed 2 minor touch-ups in the second half, no big deal.
    A wonderful smoke, not a gut-check strong stick, but definitely well past moderate in strength.
    A bit pricey for me at normal prices $8-$9/ea (box price), but they can be had for under $4 on "deal" occasions.
    A keeper for me, I'll buy more when the price is right.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Excellent review King! If I was the BOTL mentioned who was pestering you, Im sorry as I didnt mean to be a pest... but Im glad you enjoyed it either way. I also encourage you (and all BOTL's) to give the orignal LHC and the LHC Oscuro Fuerte a whirl as well. All are outstanding cigars IMHO.

  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Posts: 937 ✭✭✭
    The Sniper:
    Excellent review King! If I was the BOTL mentioned who was pestering you, Im sorry as I didnt mean to be a pest... but Im glad you enjoyed it either way. I also encourage you (and all BOTL's) to give the orignal LHC and the LHC Oscuro Fuerte a whirl as well. All are outstanding cigars IMHO.

    Thanks man! I was obviously kidding about "pestering".
    yeah - I couldn't take the pressure - you were telling me to smoke one now! ha!
    very good stick though, interesting how light and fluffy that draw is, and yet how much smoke comes out, caught me by surprise, cause the last 8 or so cigars I've smoked had normal to somewhat tight draws......so it took me awhile to adjust...........noob issues I suppose - heh!
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Nice to see my jedi mind tricks are still sharp! LOL I dont think it was a newb thing, unless you meant it in a "Newb to the LHC Core" way. That stick has a draw unlike any other Ive ever had. I prefer a loose draw but SHEESH! LOL I suppose I should have warned people a little better when I first wrote about it, sorry you got fumigated King! :-)

  • jj20030jj20030 Posts: 5,804 ✭✭✭✭✭
    going to try my first core tomorrow night and a san lotano habano, which should i try first?
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
  • MonteWhiteMonteWhite Posts: 200
    going to try my first core tomorrow night and a san lotano habano, which should i try first?
    I absolutely love the San Lotano Habano. But if it were me, I'd say the Core. Simply because it's your first, and I personally would want to smoke a new cigar on a fresh palate to get the most out of it without any lingering flavors from a previous smoke to interfere with the new experience. But hey, that's just me. Do whatever fits your mood.
  • NightHawkNightHawk Posts: 247
    i enjoyed the san lotano habano much more than i did the core. i have one more core i will let rest for a while. i found the core to be a bit 1 dimentional, and i had one of the longer vitolas from a ccom sampler. just my 2c
  • NightHawkNightHawk Posts: 247
    btw the i loved the regular LHC in the corona size, great medium bodied, full flavored smoke!!! wonder if aj will ever put these into full production
  • JudoChinXJudoChinX Posts: 775
    Just about to run out and smoke my first one. I'll be sure to update everyone with impressions.
  • JudoChinXJudoChinX Posts: 775
    Great smoke! The primary flavor was savory... not sure how else to put it, meaty? Not the most complex smoke of all time, but it was all good, great even. Although I only had it resting for a few weeks, it burned perfect. No touch-ups required, and no crooked burning or tunneling or anything of that nature. Curious to see what some more time can do to this already awesome cigar.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    i enjoyed the san lotano habano much more than i did the core. i have one more core i will let rest for a while. i found the core to be a bit 1 dimentional, and i had one of the longer vitolas from a ccom sampler. just my 2c
    Gotta agree with this and Judo's comment that the Core is a bit of a 1 trick pony. But as I always say, when that one trick is YUM, who cares? :-)

  • grannejagranneja Posts: 382
    Thanks for the review King! Good job. I may have to give it a shot soon.
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