Gurkha Park Ave Maduro

First off, thanks very much to Glen (Sniper) for allowing me to try this one. I thoroughly enjoy original Park Ave, and recommend it any chance I get, and I was very much looking forward to trying the maduro version because I also enjoy a good maduro-wrapped cigar.
Ever have two great friends and get them together and they bicker all day long? That's how I felt this went for me. I completely lost all of the complexity (I use the term "complexity" when my feeble palette picks up a few different things and can't get a hold of any of them) I usually get from the Park Ave because the maduro wrapper overwhelmed it. Maybe a better palette can still pick those flavors up, but not mine.
I also feel that the maduro wrapper needs something to go with it. Otherwise its like chocolate cake (not in flavor, in concept) - I hate chocolate cake but i like chocolate with most things. But alone its meh. Well, I don't think the Park Ave filler was enough to make the maduro wrapper more than meh.
Maybe it was because I smoked it in the morning which I almost never do. Maybe it was because I smoked it with iced coffee. Maybe I just expected too much and had anticipated it for too long.
One thing this did for me though, was give me a new appreciation for the 5 Vegas Gold Maduro. That was re-blended well to let the wrapper really shine and have proper support all at once. This...this was not, IMO.
Ever have two great friends and get them together and they bicker all day long? That's how I felt this went for me. I completely lost all of the complexity (I use the term "complexity" when my feeble palette picks up a few different things and can't get a hold of any of them) I usually get from the Park Ave because the maduro wrapper overwhelmed it. Maybe a better palette can still pick those flavors up, but not mine.
I also feel that the maduro wrapper needs something to go with it. Otherwise its like chocolate cake (not in flavor, in concept) - I hate chocolate cake but i like chocolate with most things. But alone its meh. Well, I don't think the Park Ave filler was enough to make the maduro wrapper more than meh.
Maybe it was because I smoked it in the morning which I almost never do. Maybe it was because I smoked it with iced coffee. Maybe I just expected too much and had anticipated it for too long.
One thing this did for me though, was give me a new appreciation for the 5 Vegas Gold Maduro. That was re-blended well to let the wrapper really shine and have proper support all at once. This...this was not, IMO.
^Troll: DO NOT FEED.
Alex's response near bottom of thread
Once you bump it up to medium, though, they seem to do well. The VR maduro version of CAO black is excellent.
Sometimes in my mind, I categorize cigars into two types - ones which you need to sit down with little else to do and simply enjoy the experience of the cigar (Camacho PE & Sol Cubano Artisan fall into this one for me), because if you dont pay attention to it you're gonna miss something in the flavor profiles and complexity. In the other category are smokes you can read a book, do yard work or paperwork to and still enjoy... you just dont have to pay a ton of attention to them to do so. AB Select Cabinet Reserves and yes, the Park Ave maddy are here, along with Sherpa Cafe and countless others.
Meh, what the he11, they cant all be Anejo's right? LOL