Rock and Roll concerts

This is a selection from my ticket stub collection. Its not complete and doesn't include any jazz or any of the numerous major rock acts I've seen at the the N.O. Jazz Fest (Simon and Garfunkel and others).
I was thinking about why we keep ticket stubs, so I'll show them off (share) to you.
I wonder if Ozzie has kept all of his Ozzie and Black Sabbath stubs? That would be a collection of its' own. Enjoy
I was thinking about why we keep ticket stubs, so I'll show them off (share) to you.
I wonder if Ozzie has kept all of his Ozzie and Black Sabbath stubs? That would be a collection of its' own. Enjoy

I'll have to find some of my old Dead ticket stubs. Whenever you did mail order for them, you got the really decorative tickets, whereas if you just went through ticketmaster or whatever colesium they were playing, they were plain-jane tix.
Would you take a look at and see if you'd care to share some stories?
When you have a second - can you shoot me an email to talk about whether you have an interest in having your stories appear on Stubstory.
I'm looking forward to hearing back from you.
Rusty Banks
Man, some of the best stories I have might get me into trouble. LOL.
Saw them a few times in the early/mid 70s before they turned "soft" - my memory is a bit "foggy" - but I think I saw them once as the opening act for Deep Purple, in SoCal, '73 or '74.
Wish I had saved all my stubs - I never bothered for some dumb reason.
Best show - musically - Santana at Shoreline, fall 2003 - he was on fire. But the funniest bit was just before he starts to play, he's doing his usual rambling/talking, and he says (quite loudly):
"Do we have any Latinos in the house!"
A huge roar goes up in the stadium.
When the roar subsides, he says, equally loudly:
"Why the fu@k didn't you guys vote!"
Then he immediately starts the first song.
80% of the people there didn't get it - he was pissed because Arnold was elected Govenor of Calif. - I was laughing my a$$ off.
I saw all the big acts of the 60s and 70s - saw Led Zep in their last official concert at the Day on the Green - sound system SUCKED!! - they were always hit and miss live in my opinion (saw them 7 times) - and I'm a huge Zep fan - but the sound systems in those days for outdoor shows were often not up to the task.
The Grateful Dead figured out and solved that problem. I'm not a Deadhead per se - I have seen them 30+ times (largely because my friends brother used to work for Grateful Dead Productions = free tickets, and back stage passes.)
But when they were "on" - they were the best live band, hands down, of any I've seen. Not surpsiing considering how much they toured, etc..
The best thing about the Dead, is you could see them three nights in a row at some venue, 3+ hours shows, and not hear the same song twice - not many bands can do that, especially today.
Oops almost forgot, loudest concert you ask? - ZZ TOP, 1975 at the Cow Palace - my ears are still ringing......
They are right up there with the Dead as far as awesome live bands.
Seen them a bunch of times.
One big bummer though was, about 6 or 7 years ago, they were supposed to play in Santa Cruz at the Catalyst!!! Crazy small venue for the Crowes!
I got 4 tickets, and table upstairs for wife and two friends.....STOKED!!!!!!
Ooops - sorry - power failure (stormy weather) - Catalyst has no back up - fans are begging for acoustic sets (we'll be quiet - we promise!!!!!) - no go - refund with promise that Balck Crowes will come back at a later date- they never came back.......bummer!
One band that Thrall was in, that died too quick, that I really liked, was "Automatic Man" - a bit ahead of their time, and the genre didn't have a large enough following - but they were awesome.