Newer GOP Tactics Undermining our Democracy
"the American Legislative Exchange Council ("ALEC"), which works to draft conservative legislation that is then introduced in state legislatures throughout the country."
"If you want to run for office as a Republican candidate and you want to win, you must take an oath and swear to Grover Norquist that you will never, ever, ever raise taxes. Defy Norquist and you will be denied an elected post. Go back on your oath and the consequences are swift and harsh: you will lose your position. When asked what happens to someone who goes back on his word and violates the pledge, Norquist says, Ask George H. Walker Bush how his second term was? Who is this dictator that can single-handedly decide winners and losers? Where did he come from? Why does he have so much power?"
Sad thing is as bad as all this is sadly the GOP isn't the only one who runs against the people who elect them. The Democrats seem to be almost as bad though through different means. As one could see that even while holding all three branches of government they never really did anything to go up against the giant corporations who put this country into the depression we are currently in, and have yet to do anything to make sure we get out of it. I mean why? and who are they protecting. Both parties are owned not by us.
"the American Legislative Exchange Council ("ALEC"), which works to draft conservative legislation that is then introduced in state legislatures throughout the country."
"If you want to run for office as a Republican candidate and you want to win, you must take an oath and swear to Grover Norquist that you will never, ever, ever raise taxes. Defy Norquist and you will be denied an elected post. Go back on your oath and the consequences are swift and harsh: you will lose your position. When asked what happens to someone who goes back on his word and violates the pledge, Norquist says, Ask George H. Walker Bush how his second term was? Who is this dictator that can single-handedly decide winners and losers? Where did he come from? Why does he have so much power?"
Sad thing is as bad as all this is sadly the GOP isn't the only one who runs against the people who elect them. The Democrats seem to be almost as bad though through different means. As one could see that even while holding all three branches of government they never really did anything to go up against the giant corporations who put this country into the depression we are currently in, and have yet to do anything to make sure we get out of it. I mean why? and who are they protecting. Both parties are owned not by us.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain