Coming False Flag Operations....
"Historically,false flags are military in nature,but I feel going forward,they will morph into something worse. Every system built on debt needs constant debt to be created,or the system implodes. If the Elite can expand the system through asset bubbles,then all is well. What happens if they cant get more debt created? They need to either steal other assets to provide capital to the system or they need a reason to create massive debts that the masses will sacrifice for. Wars do both. With war,the Elite can confiscate natural resources of other nations and provide the context to create massive amounts of new debt."
"Historically,false flags are military in nature,but I feel going forward,they will morph into something worse. Every system built on debt needs constant debt to be created,or the system implodes. If the Elite can expand the system through asset bubbles,then all is well. What happens if they cant get more debt created? They need to either steal other assets to provide capital to the system or they need a reason to create massive debts that the masses will sacrifice for. Wars do both. With war,the Elite can confiscate natural resources of other nations and provide the context to create massive amounts of new debt."
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Well the kill switch so to speak for the internet was being passed through committee during the BP disaster, of course it was never covered, and the dems were the one's to introduce it, well liebermann but two other senators added their own "like" bills. Now there's a newer version of it. I know that Homeland security, and other agencies shut down dozens of sites due to "copy" right issues, I mean they say they were. You go to the site and you get a nice message page thanks to homeland security.