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Not a secret anymore!

I am extremely bad at keeping secrets, especially when it is something exciting.
I've known for a few months but my wife finally gave me the go-ahead to talk openly about this. I am so exited to say that we are expecting a new baby!

This will be our second child but honestly feels just as exciting as the first time. I think I'll have to go pick up something special to smoke tonight!


  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Congratulations sir. Kids make life so much more fulfilling. Hope all goes well.
  • HeavyHeavy Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭
    Congrats man! If you think having two is twice as much work as having one, you are mistaken - it's exponentially more work! I have two and wouldn't change anything for the world. It's so cool to see your two kids interact with each other and funny to see the differences (and similarities) in their personalities as they develop.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Posts: 2,833 ✭✭✭
    One God, One Truth
  • skweekzskweekz Posts: 2,279 ✭✭✭
    Congrats bro!
  • smoke_em_if_you_got_emsmoke_em_if_you_got_em Posts: 4,992 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Congrats...but has anyone ever seen an old baby..everyone always says new baby..LOL
  • klgoldmanklgoldman Posts: 176
    Thanks gentlemen. It's definitely going to be an experience. Now if we could only get past the extremely hormonal wife stage...
  • jr_p951jr_p951 Posts: 1,121
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    Thats great man. Our first is popping mid Aug.
  • mfotismfotis Posts: 720 ✭✭
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Congrats Kevin.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    Congrats! My first is coming in January.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Congratulations to you both.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,917
    Nice! Congratulations to you and Cabi. Do you have a name figured out? hehe.
  • bearbbearb Posts: 1,128 ✭✭✭
    Congratulations! Hope all goes well on so many levels...obviously the baby, your wife's hormones...and of course you! Father's Day is a day I hope we pause to reflect upon all of the good things we have in our lives! All the best in this next chapter in your life.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Congrats and light up a good one!
    Light 'em up.
  • RampMonkeyRampMonkey Posts: 1,808
    Congrats my good man! I remember when I was told that I was going to be a daddy I couldn't wait to tell folks. I waited 3.5 months before I even told my folks/family. We wanted to make sure all was good before springing the news. He is the shocker for folks. The wife and I waited 18 yrs before we decided to have one. Madness huh. LOL. So light up a kick @ss stick and get some sleep while you can.
  • klgoldmanklgoldman Posts: 176
    Congratulations! Hope all goes well on so many levels...obviously the baby, your wife's hormones...and of course you! Father's Day is a day I hope we pause to reflect upon all of the good things we have in our lives! All the best in this next chapter in your life.
    Very well said, thanks brother!

    And BTW - I smoked an Opus X Perfecxion No. 4 that I had been sitting on for about 6 months. Mighty tasty. I have a few more and think they'll be even better with another 6 months or so on them.
  • ShotgunJohnShotgunJohn Posts: 1,545 ✭✭
    Congrats bro, enjoy Father's day with a good smoke.
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