White House wants new copyright law crackdown

Well another push for the lobbying arm of Washington. Seems as though the GOP wants to strip this country of our safety net, programs we pay into all throughout life, and destroy our "protective" governmental agencies while the dems roll over on most any legislation. I am so sick of the govt. pushing their power on civilians protecting companies. WTF!!!
Well another push for the lobbying arm of Washington. Seems as though the GOP wants to strip this country of our safety net, programs we pay into all throughout life, and destroy our "protective" governmental agencies while the dems roll over on most any legislation. I am so sick of the govt. pushing their power on civilians protecting companies. WTF!!!
It's a proposal meant to cater to the entertainment industry, most likely so he can get more donations from them. It's a proposal at this point, and there's nothing in the article saying if Congress has any appetite for this or not.
I still have no idea where you're reading about the GOP or social entitlements
well let's see, gop pushing to take away medicare and give seniors sub par vouchers for private insurance companies, pushing to end/severely cut WIC, elderly food programs, trying to do away with a minimum wage, pushing to end regulations on gas/oil companies (if it could get any worse), trying to privatize SS, and the list goes on, on what they are trying to take away from regular citizens and give to their corporate masters. Not that they are solely to blame but they're pushing the agenda.