The Transportation Security Administration identifies many, many official threats to our skies, from contact lens solution to gel shoe inserts to throwing stars. Even in the wake of the "Underwear Bomber," though, boxer shorts have been considered generally safe unless, that is, as New Mexico safety Deshon Marman discovered Wednesday at San Francisco International Airport, airline personnel can see a little bit too much of them:
On Wednesday, San Francisco police got a call about 9 a.m. that someone was exposing himself outside a US Airways gate, Sgt. Michael Rodriguez said.
An airline employee spotted Marman before he boarded Flight 488, bound for Albuquerque, and complained that Marman's pants "were below his buttocks but above the knees, and that much of his boxer shorts were exposed," Rodriguez said.The employee asked Marman to pull up his pants before he boarded the plane, but he refused, Rodriguez said. Marman allegedly repeated his refusal after taking his seat on the plane."At that point he was asked to leave the plane," Rodriguez said. "It took 15 to 20 minutes of talking to get him to leave the plane, and he was arrested for trespassing." Marman allegedly resisted officers as he was being led away.Rodriguez told a local TV station that the 5-foot-11, 195-pound Marman, 20, "was not threatening anybody directly," but the airline's dress code forbids "indecent exposure or inappropriate" attire, and "being disruptive" in any fashion once on the plane may interfere with the crew. He was charged with trespassing, battery and resisting arrest, and was being held on $11,000 bail ahead of a scheduled arraignment Thursday afternoon.Marman's mother told the San Francisco Chronicle that her son was in "an emotionally raw state" after attending the funeral of a recently murdered high school friend on Tuesday, and was targeted by authorities "because of the way he looks - young black man with dreads and baggy pants." She also said that Marman, an incoming juco transfer to New Mexico from the City College of San Francisco, hoped to honor his friend's memory by making it to the NFL. She called him "a good kid trying to make it, and he's going through a lot. And then this happens." For what it's worth, his official New Mexico bio describes Marman as a "true leader with a winning mentality."
Thus ends the initial account of one of the dumbest incidents ever recorded on this site, which is saying a lot. There's plenty to go around. There's Marman, wearing a potentially provocative outfit in a very public place and (allegedly) defying people with the authority to haul him off a plane and into a cell over something as trivial as his pants. There's security, seemingly creating a very real problem with significant consequences from an exceedingly small or nonexistent problem that presented no real threat and could have been prevented much earlier. There's the predictable cesspool of racist comments beneath the story everywhere else it appears Thursday morning on the web.
Personally, I feel a little dumber for having spent a portion of my morning on it, and for actually feeling compelled to offer this parting advice, applicable to any situation you can possibly encounter in life: When in doubt, always pull your pants up.
One of the reasons I dont go to movie theaters from Thurs nights-Saturday nights. I go Sunday afternoon or during the weekdays.
What is the point of them wearing their pants that low? Why not just wear your boxers?
Give it a few days and they will pull the race card.
Now if your boxers are showing a little, big freakin deal. Who cares. But if your belt is tightened below your ass that is deliberate and could be construed as indecent exposure (yeah that might be a stretch, but I don't think it's much different from walking around with no pants on - you're showing all of your underwear!).
AND probably most importantly, if airline personnel tell you to do something, you better damn well comply especially in this day and age. When I go through airport security sometimes they (ha - they) make me take off my pullover, sometimes they don't - no rhyme or reason to it. But I don't make a big fuggin deal about it and show my ass (pun intended). That's because I know that I'm one of millions of people flying that day and don't deserve any special treatment. I do what "they" say and everything works out fine. This guy doesn't have some inalienable right to show his underwear. Especially on a commercial flight. If "they" tell me to tuck my shirt in when I get on a plane, I'll give them a funny look and tuck my shirt in. This guy got exactly what he was asking for - special treatment.
It kinda is racial profiling. It's typical fashion in many black communities, like flip flops, khakis and polos in the white prep community.
If a white, black, blue or green man walks on a plane wearing a nice shirt with his Haggar's tightened up below his ass with his entire underwear showing, "they're" going to ask him to pull them up. Guaranteed. Hell, that would probably draw more attention because you don't see that everyday.
I fly a lot. When you're sitting down everyone in the aisle and putting stuff in the overhead bins has their ass in your face. I at least want another layer of clothing there and sure as hell don't want to see someone's full underwear because it's some kind of misguided 'statement' no matter what race, creed or religion they are. Again, they're not walking down the street. They're on a commercial flight and their rules apply no matter who you are.
And I originally had missed the mother's comment (I read a different article about this before seeing it posted here) where she was making it a race issue which is a shame. I generally think people are more alike than they are different - but sometimes we all have to comply with something we don't really want to which sucks sometimes, but that's life.
And, as you stated, Smoke-'em, these boards are about opinions and that's a good thing. The above is mine.
I use to go to theaters on weekends until this became some type of fashion. I dont want my son trying to dress like that, it looks ridiculous and pathetic. If I see it, its there, I'm not gonna go up to them and say, "hey, pull your pants up, you look stupid", if they are happy dressing that way, thats their thing. They might think I look stupid they way I dress...Again thats my opinion on them.
Then I see the other side. I have been behind an individual that is absolutely disgusting, with a tan line at half crack. If he was dressed like that, then yeah....pull up your pants, you are in public and have to interact with society.
from the article I assumed that he was a hipster (pants down low showing boxers) instead of a plumber.....but who knows. We have all had days where we were not going to take any *** from anyone...maybe this was his
I dont want this to turn into a race thing, cause its a touchy subject. Again, thats why we have these forums for, to discuss, but some times its better to agree on disagreeing and leave it at that.