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Kicking Back Redneck Style!

PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
Over Father's Day weekend I was down at the lake relaxing and smoking cigars and drinking quite a bit. One evening I had a few beers and decided I needed to sit somewhere that I could stay cool while I had my after dinner cigar and glass of wine! lol Was actually pretty relaxing!


  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    LOVING IT!!!!!.......If there was only a used plate with some BBQ rib bones on it and a faded Bush/Cheney sticker in the picture it would look like the average Saturday for 85% of the county I live in.
  • gaberoxgaberox Posts: 824
    Ive taken to misting myself with a spray bottle when trying to puff in 90+ weather. Its very nice.
  • Hawk55Hawk55 Posts: 846
    Hey, at least ur trunks match ur surroundings!!!
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    LMAO. I don't see any ice cubes in your wine though.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,913 ✭✭✭
    That's the high life right there!
    Light 'em up.
  • jfacianejfaciane Posts: 242
    LOL!! I bet it's box wine too, Chillable red? No, I"m not speaking from experience, haha. Dude, you need to clip that big toe nail before somebody gets hurt, jeez!
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Haha No, it actually wasn't boxed wine. It was a nice California Red. I had been drinking for several hours before dinner, had a couple drinks with dinner, then the wine... My wife was laughing her ass off!!!
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    All while your double wide was burning down.
  • amz1301amz1301 Posts: 1,299
    Dude, you need to clip that big toe nail before somebody gets hurt, jeez!
    They'd consider that thing a concealed dangerous weapon in Baltimore if you had shoes on., Just jokin man, LOL

  • JonathanEJonathanE Posts: 401
    Haha!!! I have a picture almost identical to this but I can't share it because my wife is in the shot too!


  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭
    Ha, Al Bundy at his finest

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Ha, Al Bundy at his finest
    lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, +1
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    **** awesome! Now, if that were me in the pool, it would be whale watching time.
  • HeavyHeavy Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭
    Ha, Al Bundy at his finest
    Only thing missing is one hand stuck down in the waistband.
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