
Sorry folks....the resident tree hugging liberal of the board has come out in me again-----and also brought back that old wish that we could practice a little "sensible thinning" of the population that dumb's down the nation
Palin praised the memoir, which released Tuesday, as "Shocking; Refreshing; Honest; INSPIRING! Perfect," and said it "gives insight into how media can drive false narrative."----------This was the paragraph from
Exactly what was so great by the way?.....A 21 yr old feeling she has enough life to have had a "memoir"?Sexy stories of your daughter, a weiner, and a 4 pack of Bartles and James?The best way to lie to your parents to get your way...even if they are gee golly great?
The family makes me sick to the point I am now rethinking my lunch plans. the Sarahs "special needs" son? I imagine wishing his mother wasnt so full of herself and in need of attention, and home alittle more to be a
BTW this could have gone into the "things i hate thread", but it deserved a special place for me.
Palin praised the memoir, which released Tuesday, as "Shocking; Refreshing; Honest; INSPIRING! Perfect," and said it "gives insight into how media can drive false narrative."----------This was the paragraph from
Exactly what was so great by the way?.....A 21 yr old feeling she has enough life to have had a "memoir"?Sexy stories of your daughter, a weiner, and a 4 pack of Bartles and James?The best way to lie to your parents to get your way...even if they are gee golly great?
The family makes me sick to the point I am now rethinking my lunch plans. the Sarahs "special needs" son? I imagine wishing his mother wasnt so full of herself and in need of attention, and home alittle more to be a
BTW this could have gone into the "things i hate thread", but it deserved a special place for me.
There are two guarantees you can bet all your money on:
1. Obama will be Pres again in 2012.
2. Palin will never be Pres.
The rest is all trivial bullsh**.....
Regular men speak of current events
Small minds talk about other people.
Why does she scare you Vulchor?
Of course, if I fall into such musings for long, I've fallen into the trap as well. Perhaps we should all just ignore this non-sense.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Besides, it's Bachman they'll soon be going after - you watch. Especially after Iowa, which I think she'll win. The left and media are frightened by strong conservative women, especially very intelligent and beautiful ones like Palin and Bachman. You watch, they'll try to destroy her - and remember they gave what's in the white house now a complete pass. No scrutiny, no questions about his questionable past affiliations; NADA.
As far as why I wrote this about her....because I think she is the type of uneducated, small minded, bible thumping, judgemental c*unt who is incapable of any critical thought or analysis, ability to compromise, admission of ignorance when its blantently obvious, or reason that alot of people are following today because they love guns, jesus, middle class white men, and marriage between a man and a woman-------Which to me, just spells fluff and editorial jargon in a time where we NEED great minds and great ideas which are feasible.
I don't know if the leftists in the media and government are "afraid" of Palin, but she represents what they hate: a strong-willed female that's a mother and a wife that's not a leftist. Sure, she's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but she seems to represent more of the average female than Nancy Pelosi ever will. That and at least she can run her turf on a budget.
That's also why I'm sure Bachman will soon be villified by the left. They both seem like a threat to the left-leaning female vote. That's also why I'm sure that the leftist media will always demonize anyone that disagrees with them. Even if Jesus, Allah, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or whoever the hell you admire comes down and runs for the GOP, rest assured that the powers of reality-bending given to the mainstream media will turn them all into Hitler.
It goes beoynd issues with her and to her personality and choices---at least for me. If you choose to attack me for my opinions or statements here, by god feel free----but In not going to sit here either and say thank you sir may I have another.
I dont want an average female (as your stated) in politics or spouting off ideas----I want great females for this, in the same way I would a male. Also, your comparison of the "leftist" media turning people they disagree with into Hitler is off base and a really insensitive and uninformed way to compare ANYONE in our political scene in this country-----you know, considering the death camps and all.
And though I disagree with Obama and Bush on many issues, I've never seen them order the massacre of 6 million Jews, homosexuals, and Catholics. Like I said before, I never called anyone Hitler. I'm just saying the leftists are very fond of comparing people that have different opinions to Hitler; which in my opinion is nothing more than baseless name-calling that villifies the victim needlessly and belittles the Holocaust.
On the other side, no ones ever heard Bill O'Reilly saying that liberal supporters like George Soros, (a victim of the ****-s) may have actually been in cahoots with the Naz-is, even though he was barely an adolescent when they were rubbing out his family. Nor have the Tea Partiers ever painted a Hitler mustache on Obamas face and plastered it on signs during demonstrations.
Or, did all these things really happen. Perhaps what people tend to be victims of is selective memory. When the media is lambasting and lampooning someone we don't like, or disagree with, it's a knee-slapping good time. When our guy is the one getting kicked around, our feelings are hurt and we're pissed off. So, when the question comes up "who does the media have a bias against?", well, Our Guy , of course!
As for me, I get tired of it and wish people would get back to the issues. When G. Bush went to Texas for a vacation, I'll bet he still spent 8 hours a day on affairs of state. When Obama plays golf and "something" else is going on, well, the guy needs a break like everyone else.
I do think there is some bias in the media, and often against conservatives. For instance, where the heck is Gary Johnson? Frozen out. Why? Because both sides are scared to death. Here's a guy who not only said he'd lower taxes, he DID it. He not only promised to veto pork projects, he holds the all-time record! No, nobody wants to touch that, on either side. An honest politician who believes in the ideals he preaches? Scary!! Democrat/Republican/liberal/conservative, all sides of the same box. Ron Paul made too much noise to ignore, but it's OK, he's got a reedy voice and sounds like your average Texan and lacks "stage-presence", so we can let him in because he's already marginalized. I'd like to see someone from "outside the box" who could open up the damm box and clean it out.
Michelle Bachman is a safe candidate, because she stirs up controversy. People can hate her, people can find things on her to claim she is a hater herself, and as long as those who are the Status Quo can keep the hate train going, they can keep on robbing the train. We've got to get past the name-calling and side taking and start thinking about the marvelous legacy of the fight for freedom that has been going on since America first declared independence from tyranny and laid out a plan of action, ie The Constitution.
Oh, crap, another Amos rant. Well, that's how I feel, let's all join hands and sing ****-ba-ya.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I'll sing Baratone.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
The lassaiz-faire economic policies of the last 25 years or so, championed primarily, but not solely, by the Republicans.
The unfettered greed of Wall St. speculators, unfettered by the policies mentioned above.
Not least of all the delusional policies of redistribution of wealth championed almost solely by the Democrats.
Prolonged war at a time when these above mentioned factors were weakening our economic base, which I still don't really blame Bush for, except the lack of an acceptable exit strategy. (My exit strategy? Kick their ass, leave.)
Sorry to hijack the thread. Back to the original question, I don't understand the fascination, but I hope Ms. Palin makes plenty of $ during what I expect will be a brief period of fame. If everyone has had their nose this deep up her business, I feel she should be well compensated for the intrusion.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain