I'm a pansie

So just so you new dads know, don't watch 'Father of the Bride' while your 3 month old daughter is sleeping on your chest. Very bad results.
Just saying.
I now have multiple plans in mind for when she brings a boy around.
Just saying.
I now have multiple plans in mind for when she brings a boy around.
One God, One Truth
"Any cigar smoker is friend, because I know how he feels." Alfred de Musset
"A fine cigar is just like a woman. If you don't light it up just right and suck on it with a certain frequency, it will go out on you." Unknown
“A pipe is to the troubled soul what caresses of a mother are for her suffering child.” Indian Proverb
*ducks behind the desk*
Bad Boys II scene
That really worked.
When my oldest brother had his twin girls, I told him "Wait till they bring a guy home and say Daddy you'll like him, he's just like you". He took a swing at me.
My friend pulls out his duty gun, and ejects a round out of the chamber, tosses the round to the boy, and asks " Do you know what that is"
The boy stammers "yes it's a .40 cal bullet Mr. *&%$" My friend says " thats correct, and if my daughters not home by ten...it's going to come at you a lot faster next time" The kid got really respectful really quick, and was quite a nice young man after that.
i ring the door bell and i am let in. her mother directs me to the living room where her father is trying to intimidate me by cleaning his shotgun. he just kinda glares at me. i sit down and ask him (very confidently because i a was an avid hunter at the time) "What gauge is that?"
he glares at me and tells me its a Browning lite 20 gauge semi auto.
instantly i smile because my dad has the SAME GUN and i am quick to tell him so. I tell him about the Ruger i have, and the Winchester model 1200 i hunt with frequently. we end up talking guns/hunting for the next 10 minutes (woulda been more had the girlfriend let me) and we got an extra hour on curfew. he and i were good friends after that.
I figure if I can either cripple or make disappear the first one who messes up with them, and then beat the charges, all who come thereafter with either daughter will know better than to mess up.
I have friends who give me " Do you think thats actually going to work?" when I have these kinds of discussions. I always reply with a cheery "Probably not, but its never stopped a father of daughters in recorded history worth his salt from trying."
Regarding the general conversation..well the thing is, I don't have any daughters yet, but I have two nieces and a 19y/o (mentally-disabled) little sister. The funny thing is, anybody that knows that about me thinks it's hilarious because they know just how...protective? I am lol...
Funny story.. couple days back I'm at a preview party for a new restaurant with free drinks, so naturally I proceed to get hammered. Who decides to call me but my little sister "Hey Dave...I got a new boyfriend!" "Oh yeah hun? Dad know?" Yeah... "Ok, you tell him you got a real big and ugly brother?" (my standard line) "Yeah Dave I told him. He said doesn't matter, he could kick your butt" **drunk testosterone kicks in** "NO YOU TELL THAT LITTLE F*CKER I'M GONNA STOM...uhh..yeah...sweetheart I'm with some friends right now so I'm gonna have to let you go. Have a good night..."
(Side note: Rodney Atkins "Cleaning This Gun" came on the radio totally unsolicited while I was reading this thread)
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨