Its official...My dog is getting laid!

so my german shepar pup went into heat last week and i completely blitz my male dog would try and hump her....cuz when he did she sat down...well he finally god her yesterday...and i think who knows....I may have some Husky/German Shepard puppies coming soon.....for sale of course, and ill def. use the money to fund my trip for my love of cigars! lol....
German Huskepard Puppies are extremely rare and very hard to find
They were bred by the KGB during the cold war for tracking spies, and defectors in the extremely cold environment of Siberia. Some of the traits that this breed is known for, fierce loyalty, great home security dogs, Excellent tracking ability, and great warfighting dogs. These dogs were brought over by Colonel blagojevich, when he defected from the USSR in 1983. They were brought to America aboard a submarine, and Colonel Blagojevich gave a breeding pair to my father as a token of thanks for my uncles help in the good colonels extraction. Please contact JoeyJoe21 for information. 2500 for males, 3200 for female puppies.
Hurry, these puppies will go fast.