Casey Anthony Verdict - FINAL QUESTION

Acquitted of the first degree murder of her daughter, convicted on four counts of lying to investigators relating to her daughter's death. Given the evidence brought against her, what does this verdict say about America's legal system?
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Kid is killed by parents? Happens all the time!!! In the ghetto, mom neglects the kids and they wind up dead - happens everyday;, in the suburbs, mom goes crazy and drowns them - happens enough that no one is surprised at it anymore.
I never understood why the media latched onto this single trial, when parent-kills-kid happens everyday, and it's really not shocking if you read the local paper every day
EDIT - $20 says she does like OJ and writes a book, "If I did it"
BTW I think our justice system is a disgrace. The one thing that has no place in our courts is the truth - it's just a competition between lawyers.
I haven't really been following this story but I know the basics. You mean to tell me the prosecution didn't even at least prove without a doubt she was guilty of aggravated child abuse. Am I wrong but aren't these the facts. The child died in her care. She covered it up. She discarded the body first in the car, then in the woods. Then she lied about it.
What Loco says makes very good sense. I trust the media as far as I can throw my TV, I'm certain I don't have all the facts and timelines surrounding the case so I really don't have an opinion. The little girl was murdered....tragic, yes....but beyond that I just really don't care. I'm am neither lawyer nor judge. It is amazing though how once the media finds something people bite on how they'll exploit and sensationalize it to the max and play into peoples passions just for ratings. Kinda pathetic. Makes me wanna go smoke!
"Long ashes my friends."
What he said......