I worked on a project with a professor from a local college on one of these. I had a friend draw up specs on autocad and the professor produced my models on one of these machines. It was pretty awesome and cut back on a lot of hours and tooling. I think every machine shop in America should have one of these. Especially when production is going overseas, a machine shop in America can offer a whole new product by selling models and replicas of the actual product. This would help out so much if you are sending drawings overseas to be produced. Not only are you sending drawings but you can send these cheap plastic models as a guides. Definitely worth the investment if you ask me.
I worked on a project with a professor from a local college on one of these. I had a friend draw up specs on autocad and the professor produced my models on one of these machines. It was pretty awesome and cut back on a lot of hours and tooling. I think every machine shop in America should have one of these. Especially when production is going overseas, a machine shop in America can offer a whole new product by selling models and replicas of the actual product. This would help out so much if you are sending drawings overseas to be produced. Not only are you sending drawings but you can send these cheap plastic models as a guides. Definitely worth the investment if you ask me.