Time to apologize..........

for dosing some drunks......
Yes, it's story time kids...............and time for me to come clean.............
A few of you know (from other stories) that I attended a large university in the Bay Area of California in the mid 1970s. I was a "minor sport" athlete, and also an avid pot smoker in those days, as well as a pioneer, along with a handful of others SoCal translants, in marijuana cultivation. A few of my SoCal buddies from the early 70s moved to Oregon and Mendocino, and were some of the true pioneers of high grade marijuana cultivation, cross-breeding, etc.
The 70s was the 60s hangover - everything went to excess - and beyond......it's often the forgotten decade in my opinion.
I digress......the fraternities at this university that I attended often had major parties. And even though I wasn't in a fraternity, I was an athlete, and more importantly, I always had wicked weed, and thus, I was provided an invite to these parties.
Along with the first true high class buds, we had access to "honey oil" - which as some of you know, is basically reduced oils from cannabis, often mistakenly called hash oil back in the day. My friends from SoCal had the production of this oil down to a science, and produced the cleanest, most shockingly potent oil ever produced.....they used high quality buds to make the oil.
Taking down the A-hole
So when attending one of these fraternity parties, my bros and I would grab a few joints and one "special" joint. What is that "special" joint you ask?
We would take about 20 drops of honey oil and heat it under an over-sized table spoon. Then the best weed we had at the time would be chopped up and fully soaked in the honey oil, and rolled in an over-sized paper, which was also soaked in the honey oil................devastating.
At these frat parties, invariably, someone (typically a 250lb football player) gets too drunk, turns into an a$$hole, and wants to fight everyone, which ruins the scene for the most part..................enter the "special" joint.
Me - "Come on dude, you don't want to fight that guy.......have a hit off this joint.....forget him."
Him - "I'm gonna kick his ass!! - but yeah, gimme a hit off that joint first!"
Surprisingly, no fight ever develops. The big mean drunk takes one big hit off that potent bomb, and the next thing you know, he's down. He's coughing, blowing snot out his nostrils, and he has no idea what happened.......he's now calm and relaxed...............he doesn't want to fight anymore..................he's trying to remember where his room is............he wants to go night-night...........
We didn't use the special joint too often, but it was 100% effective when used.
My conscience is clear now.
Yes, it's story time kids...............and time for me to come clean.............
A few of you know (from other stories) that I attended a large university in the Bay Area of California in the mid 1970s. I was a "minor sport" athlete, and also an avid pot smoker in those days, as well as a pioneer, along with a handful of others SoCal translants, in marijuana cultivation. A few of my SoCal buddies from the early 70s moved to Oregon and Mendocino, and were some of the true pioneers of high grade marijuana cultivation, cross-breeding, etc.
The 70s was the 60s hangover - everything went to excess - and beyond......it's often the forgotten decade in my opinion.
I digress......the fraternities at this university that I attended often had major parties. And even though I wasn't in a fraternity, I was an athlete, and more importantly, I always had wicked weed, and thus, I was provided an invite to these parties.
Along with the first true high class buds, we had access to "honey oil" - which as some of you know, is basically reduced oils from cannabis, often mistakenly called hash oil back in the day. My friends from SoCal had the production of this oil down to a science, and produced the cleanest, most shockingly potent oil ever produced.....they used high quality buds to make the oil.
Taking down the A-hole
So when attending one of these fraternity parties, my bros and I would grab a few joints and one "special" joint. What is that "special" joint you ask?
We would take about 20 drops of honey oil and heat it under an over-sized table spoon. Then the best weed we had at the time would be chopped up and fully soaked in the honey oil, and rolled in an over-sized paper, which was also soaked in the honey oil................devastating.
At these frat parties, invariably, someone (typically a 250lb football player) gets too drunk, turns into an a$$hole, and wants to fight everyone, which ruins the scene for the most part..................enter the "special" joint.
Me - "Come on dude, you don't want to fight that guy.......have a hit off this joint.....forget him."
Him - "I'm gonna kick his ass!! - but yeah, gimme a hit off that joint first!"
Surprisingly, no fight ever develops. The big mean drunk takes one big hit off that potent bomb, and the next thing you know, he's down. He's coughing, blowing snot out his nostrils, and he has no idea what happened.......he's now calm and relaxed...............he doesn't want to fight anymore..................he's trying to remember where his room is............he wants to go night-night...........
We didn't use the special joint too often, but it was 100% effective when used.
My conscience is clear now.
I never got too much into weed, maybe smoked about 10 times in my life in college, but that is one funny ass story!