First Look - Liga Privada Undercrown

I wrote about this cigar and did an initial review based on a fresh stick I stole from the Drew Estate factory. Time has done this cigar wonders. The blend of undercrown mimics the Liga Privadaa #9 in terms of seed, region and blend to exact proportions but uses tobaccos from one priming lower in all cases. The result is a flavor reminiscent of the #9 in a medium bodied format. The sweetness and earthness I have come to love in this cigar is all there and while I love the bold the body of the #9 and its complexity, this cigar will be a great everyday contender as they are planning on making this release widely available and regularly in stock and a sharper, more economical price. I guess you could say it is the poor mans Liga #9 but I will say, there is notthing cheap about this smoke. Heavy in the hand, great burrn and soft finish that can keep you puffing on these things stick after stick.